Difference between Written and Spoken Language

Difference between Written and Spoken Language

Did you know that the way we speak and write is different? This can be seen in the way we use contractions in speech, but not in writing. Additionally, when we speak, we often omit articles such as “the” or “a”. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the differences between written and spoken language.

What is Written Language?

Written language is a type of language that is made up of symbols (letters, numbers, punctuation marks, etc.) that represent sounds. It is a system of communication that allows people to share their ideas and thoughts with others. Written language can be used to communicate over long distances and to record information for future use. It is a very powerful tool that has helped humans to progress and develop both socially and economically. Written language is an essential part of every culture and society, and it plays a vital role in education, trade, and all other areas of human activity.

What is Spoken Language?

Spoken language is the production and interpretation of speech. The term encompasses all forms of human communication, including formal presentations, everyday conversation, and sign language. Spoken language is a vital part of our social lives, allowing us to interact with others, express our thoughts and feelings, and build relationships. It is also an important tool for learning, providing a way for us to share information and gain new knowledge. Spoken language is shaped by our culture, our environment, and our personal experiences. It is constantly evolving as we learn new words and expressions and adapt to new situations. Whether we are chatting with friends or giving a formal presentation, spoken language is an essential part of our lives.

Difference between Written and Spoken Language

Written language and spoken language are two distinct forms of communication that vary in many ways. Written language is often characterized by its more formal structure, while spoken language tends to be more fluid and casual. Written language typically consists of carefully chosen words and grammatical structures, while spoken language often involves the use of colloquial expressions, slang terms, and regional dialects. Additionally, written communication is typically edited before it is finalized, while spoken language is often created on the spot. Despite these distinctions, however, both forms of communication have a significant role in our daily lives. Whether we are engaged informal meetings or just having a quick conversation with a friend, written and spoken language serve as powerful tools for expression and understanding. So at the end of the day, when it comes to communicating effectively with others, we need to appreciate both the dynamism of spoken languages and the rigorousness of written communication. After all, in order to effectively communicate our thoughts and ideas with others, we need to employ both written language and spoken language to their fullest potential.


Although spoken and written language are both forms of communication, they differ in a few key ways. The most obvious difference is that spoken language relies on sound, while written language uses symbols to represent sounds. This means that written language can be read silently, which is not possible with spoken language. In addition, spoken words are typically shorter than written words, and the meaning of a sentence may change when it is spoken aloud versus when it is read silently. Finally, written language can be edited and revised before it is published, while spoken words cannot be changed once they have been uttered.

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