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Difference between White Vinegar and Rice Vinegar

Difference between White Vinegar and Rice Vinegar

When you’re cooking, you might reach for white vinegar or rice vinegar to add a sour taste. But what’s the difference between the two? And when should you use each one? Here’s a guide to help you out.

What is White Vinegar?

White vinegar is a type of vinegar that is made from distilled ethanol. It is also known as spirit vinegar or distilled white vinegar. White vinegar has a wide range of uses, including cleaning, cooking, and making pickles. It is also used as an ingredient in some types of sauces and salad dressings. White vinegar is less acidic than other types of vinegar, such as apple cider vinegar, and has a milder flavor. It is typically sold in supermarkets in plastic or glass bottles. White vinegar can also be made at home by fermentation of ethanol.

What is Rice Vinegar?

  • Rice vinegar is a type of vinegar made from rice that is popular in Asian cuisine. It has a milder flavor than other types of vinegar, making it perfect for use in salads and marinades. Rice vinegar is also a key ingredient in many traditional Asian dishes, such as sushi and stir-fry. While Rice vinegar can be made from white or brown rice, it is most commonly made from polished white rice.
  • The Rice is first soaked in water, then allowed to ferment for several months. This fermentation process produces acetic acid, which gives Rice vinegar its sour taste. Rice vinegar is a healthy alternative to other types of vinegar, and it has been shown to have numerous health benefits.
  • These benefits include improved digestion, lower blood pressure, and reduced inflammation. Rice vinegar is an essential ingredient in many Asian dishes, and it is also a healthy choice for those looking to improve their overall health.

Difference between White Vinegar and Rice Vinegar

White vinegar and rice vinegar are two types of vinegar that are commonly used in cooking. They both have a slightly acidic taste, but they differ in their level of acidity, as well as in their flavor and aroma. White vinegar is made from distilled alcohol that has been fermented with bacteria. It has a sharp, pungent flavor and is very acidic. Rice vinegar, on the other hand, is made from fermented rice wine.

It has a milder flavor and is less acidic than white vinegar. In addition, rice vinegar often has a slightly sweet taste due to the presence of residual sugar from the rice wine. When choosing vinegar for cooking, it is important to consider the desired flavor and level of acidity. White vinegar is best suited for dishes that require a strong acidity, such as pickling vegetables, while rice vinegar is better suited for milder-flavored dishes.


White vinegar and rice vinegar are two different types of vinegar. They have different flavors and uses. Rice vinegar is made from fermented rice, while white vinegar is made from distilled alcohol.

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