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Difference between White and Black Truffle Oil

Difference between White and Black Truffle Oil

Whether you are cooking for a large group or just yourself, adding some truffle oil to your dish can take it to a whole new level. However, there is a big difference between white and black truffle oils that you should be aware of before making your purchase. Read on below to learn more about each type of oil and what dishes they are best suited for.

What is White Truffle Oil?

White truffle oil is a type of olive oil that has been infused with the flavor of white truffles. White truffles are a type of underground fungus that grows in the roots of certain trees, including oak, hazel, and beech trees. They have a strong, earthy flavor that is prized by chefs all over the world. White truffle oil is usually made by steeping white truffles in olive oil for several weeks.

The resulting oil has a deep, rich flavor that can enhance the flavor of many dishes. White truffle oil is often used as a finishing oil, meaning it is added to dishes just before they are served. This allows the full flavor of the truffle to come through. White truffle oil can be used to enhance the flavor of pasta dishes, risottos, salads, and more.

What is Black Truffle Oil?

Black truffle oil is a popular ingredient in many gourmet dishes. It is made from the Black Perigord truffle, a type of fungus that grows underground. The truffles are harvested and then infused in olive oil or another neutral-tasting oil. This process extracts the distinct, earthy flavor of the truffles and creates an oil with a strong aroma. Black truffle oil is often used as a finishing oil, meaning it is added to a dish just before serving. A little goes a long way, so it is typically used sparingly. When used properly, black truffle oil can enhance the flavor of many different dishes, from pasta and risotto to scrambled eggs and roasted vegetables.

Difference between White and Black Truffle Oil

White and black truffle oil are both made from the juice of truffles, a type of mushroom that grows underground. The difference between the two oils lies in their respective flavors. White truffle oil has a delicate, slightly sweet flavor, while black truffle oil is more pungent and earthy.

Both types of oil can be used to enhance the flavor of food, but black truffle oil is more commonly used in cooked dishes, while white truffle oil is often used as a finishing touch for salads or pasta. In terms of price, white truffle oil is generally more expensive than black truffle oil, due to the rarity of white truffles.


Truffle oil is made by infusing either black or white truffles into a carrier oil. The two oils have different flavors and aromas, due to the difference in the type of truffle used. White truffle oil has a milder flavor and aroma than black truffle oil. If you’re looking for an intense, earthy flavor, black truffle oil is the way to go, but if you want something more delicate, white truffle oil is a better choice.

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