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Difference between VVS1 and VVS2

Difference between VVS1 and VVS2

If you’re in the market for a high quality diamond, it’s important to understand the difference between VVS1 and VVS2 diamonds. Both grades are very rare and highly sought after, but they are not the same. In this blog post, we’ll break down the key differences between these two grades so you can make an informed decision when shopping for diamonds.

What is VVS1?

VVS1 diamonds are some of the highest quality diamonds in the world. They are known for their exceptional clarity and purity, and they are prized by jewelers and collectors alike. VVS1 diamonds are graded on a scale of 1 to 4, with 1 being the highest quality. VVS1 diamonds are incredibly rare, making up less than 2% of all diamonds mined. However, their high quality comes at a price, and VVS1 diamonds can often be 20-30% more expensive than other diamonds. But for those who can afford it, a VVS1 diamond is an excellent choice for an engagement ring or other piece of fine jewelry.

What is VVS2?

VVS2 is the second highest quality rating for diamonds. VVS stands for “Very, Very Slightly Included”, and the 2 indicates that the inclusions are very difficult to see even for a trained eye using 10x magnification. Inclusions can take the form of tiny crystals, feathers, or clouds, and they can occur either inside the diamond or on its surface. VVS2 diamonds are considered to be nearly flawless, and they are significantly more rare than VVS1 diamonds. As a result, VVS2 diamonds are typically more expensive than VVS1 diamonds. However, the difference in price is often not significant enough to justify the jump in quality, making VVS2 diamonds a great value for those looking for high-quality stones.

Difference between VVS1 and VVS2

VVS1 and VVS2 diamonds are the two highest grades given to diamonds by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Both VVS1 and VVS2 diamonds are considered “eye-clean,” meaning that inclusions are not visible to the naked eye. VVS1 diamonds have very small inclusions that are difficult to see even under 10x magnification, while VVS2 diamonds have small inclusions that are slightly easier to see under 10x magnification. While both grades are excellent, VVS1 diamonds are more rare and therefore more valuable. When shopping for a diamond, keep in mind that VVS1 and VVS2 are both excellent choices that will result in a beautiful, high-quality stone.


The difference between VVS1 and VVS2 diamonds is their clarity. Clarity is a measure of how many blemishes or inclusions are present on the diamond’s surface. Inclusions can be anything from small fractures to minuscule crystals. Diamonds with more inclusions will generally have a lower clarity grade than those with fewer blemishes. The two most common clarity grades are VS (very slight) and SI (slight). If you’re looking for a diamond that has the fewest inclusions, you should go for one that has a VVS grade. However, these diamonds tend to be more expensive than those with other grades.

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