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Difference between UV and Skylight Filters

Difference between UV and Skylight Filters

There are many different types of filters that can be attached to a camera, but two of the most common are UV and skylight filters. Both of these filters serve a purpose, but they do have some differences. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the difference between UV and skylight filters, and explain which one is right for you.

What is UV Filter?

In terms of photography, UV filters are often used to reduce the amount of blue light that enters the lens. This can help to improve the clarity and quality of images, as well as reduce glare. UV filters can also be used to protect the front element of a camera lens from scratches, fingerprints, and other potential damage. When shopping for UV filters, it is important to consider the size of the filter and the thread pitch, as well as the specific needs of your camera setup. With a little bit of research, you can find the perfect UV filter for your photography needs.

What is Skylight Filter?

Skylight filters are a type of camera lens filter that helps to reduce the amount of UV light that enters the lens. This can help to improve the overall quality of your photographs, as well as reduce glare and chromatic aberrations. Skylight filters are typically made from a piece of optically clear glass or plastic, and they can be screwed onto the front of your lens or included as part of a filter system. In general, skylight filters are relatively inexpensive and easy to find, making them a great option for photographers of all levels.

Difference between UV and Skylight Filters

UV and skylight filters are designed to attach to the front of a camera lens and help protect the lens from damage. UV filters absorb UV light, which can cause haze and blue casts in photographs, while skylight filters reduce the amount of bluish cast in images. Both UV and skylight filters can help to reduce glare and reflections. However, skylight filters may also cause a slight loss of image sharpness. When choosing a filter, it is important to consider the specific needs of your photography. UV filters are generally a good choice for landscape and nature photography, while skylight filters may be more appropriate for portraits or other types of photography where image sharpness is critical.


In conclusion, UV filters are necessary to protect your camera lens from the sun’s harmful rays, while skylight filters help improve image clarity. It is important to know the difference between these two types of filters so you can make an informed decision about which type will work best for your photography needs.

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