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Difference between Upper and Lower Urinary Tract Infection

Difference between Upper and Lower Urinary Tract Infection

Upper urinary tract infections (UTIs) are caused by bacteria that travel up the urethra and into the bladder. Lower UTIs, or bladder infections, are caused when bacteria move from the bladder to the kidneys. Symptoms of a UTI include pain or burning during urination, frequent urination, blood in the urine, and pelvic pain in women. UTIs can be treated with antibiotics, but it is important to diagnose them correctly and to take all of the medication prescribed to ensure that the infection is eradicated completely. Left untreated, UTIs can lead to more serious health problems.

What is Upper Urinary Tract Infection?

An Upper Urinary Tract Infection, or UTI, is a bacterial infection that travels up the urethra and into the bladder. UTIs are common and can be treated with antibiotics, but it is important to diagnose them correctly and to take all of the medication prescribed to ensure that the infection is eradicated completely. Left untreated, UTIs can lead to more serious health problems.

What is Lower Urinary Tract Infection?

A Lower Urinary Tract Infection, or bladder infection, is a bacterial infection that occurs when bacteria move from the bladder to the kidneys. Bladder infections are common and can be treated with antibiotics, but it is important to diagnose them correctly and to take all of the medication prescribed to ensure that the infection is eradicated completely. Left untreated, bladder infections can lead to more serious health problems.

Difference between Upper and Lower Urinary Tract Infection

An upper UTI is caused by bacteria that travel up the urethra and into the bladder, while a lower UTI is caused by bacteria that move from the bladder to the kidneys. Upper UTIs are more common and can be treated with antibiotics, but it is important to diagnose them correctly and to take all of the medication prescribed to ensure that the infection is eradicated completely.

Left untreated, upper UTIs can lead to more serious health problems. Lower UTIs are less common, but can also be treated with antibiotics. It is important to diagnose them correctly and to take all of the medication prescribed to ensure that the infection is eradicated completely. Left untreated, lower UTIs can lead to more serious health problems.


UTIs can be treated with antibiotics, but it is important to diagnose them correctly and to take all of the medication prescribed to ensure that the infection is eradicated completely. Left untreated, UTIs can lead to more serious health problems. Upper UTIs are caused by bacteria that travel up the urethra and into the bladder, while lower UTIs are caused by bacteria that move from the bladder to the kidneys.

Upper UTIs are more common and can be treated with antibiotics, but it is important to diagnose them correctly and to take all of the medication prescribed to ensure that the infection is eradicated completely. Left untreated, upper UTIs can lead to more serious health problems. Lower UTIs are less common, but can also be treated with antibiotics.

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