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Difference between Ulterior and Alterior

Difference between Ulterior and Alterior

What is the difference between ulterior and alterior? This is a question that often stumps people, so let’s take a look at the definitions of each word and see what sets them apart. Ulterior means “existing or taking place beyond what is immediately apparent”, while alterior means “of or relating to outside motives”. In other words, ulterior motives are hidden or not revealed, while alterior motives are known and acknowledged. So which one would you use in a situation? It depends on whether you want to conceal or reveal your intentions.

What is Ulterior?

The word “ulterior” can have several different connotations. In general, it refers to something that is hidden or concealed. For example, someone might say that they have an ulterior motive for doing something.

This means that they are not being honest about their reasons for taking a particular action. Ulterior can also refer to something that is distant or located beyond what is immediately apparent.

For example, the ulterior motives of a political candidate might not be clear to voters until after the election is over. In some cases, ulterior can simply mean “additional” or “extra.” For example, an ulterior benefit of taking a new job might be a higher salary. Ultimately, the meaning of ulterior depends on the context in which it is used.

What is Alterior?

Alterior is a word that has a few different meanings. Most commonly, it is used to describe something that is located further forward. For example, if someone points to their head and says “this is my anterior,” they are indicating that their head is located further forward than the rest of their body.

Alterior can also be used to describe something that happens before something else. For example, if an event is said to be “anterior to the big game,” it means that it happened before the big game took place.

Finally, anterior can also be used to describe a person or thing that is better than another person or thing. For example, if someone says that they prefer “anterior cars,” they are saying that they prefer cars that are better than other cars. As you can see, Alterior is a versatile word with many different applications.

Difference between Ulterior and Alterior

Ulterior and Alterior may sound like similar words, but they actually have very different meanings. Ulterior refers to something that is hidden or not immediately apparent, while Alterior refers to something that is more forward or obvious. For example, someone might have ulterior motives for doing something, meaning that their true reasons for doing it are not immediately clear. Alternatively, someone might be more alterior in their approach, meaning that they are upfront and honest about their intentions. In short, Ulterior refers to something that is hidden, while Alterior refers to something that is more apparent.


Now that you understand the difference between ulterior and alterior motives, you can use this knowledge to your advantage. When someone is trying to hide their true intentions from you, be sure to look out for words or phrases that may give them away. If they are speaking in a way that suggests they have an ulterior motive, it’s best not to trust them until you know more about what they want. Remember, being aware of these differences will help keep you one step ahead in any situation.

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