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Difference between Tremolo and Trill

Difference between Tremolo and Trill

What’s the difference between tremolo and trill? In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between these two techniques and teach you how to execute each one properly. Trill or tremolo, what’s the difference? Let’s find out!

What is Tremolo?

Tremolo is a rapid, evenly spaced repetition of a single note or chords. It is commonly used in music from all over the world, but it originally comes from 17th and 18th century Europe. Tremolos can be played on any instrument, but they are most commonly heard on string instruments like the violin or guitar. Tremolo is created by rapidly moving the bow back and forth across the strings or by quickly picking the strings with the fingers. The speed of the Tremolo is measured in beats per minute (bpm). The faster the Tremolo, the higher the bpm. Tremolos can range from slow (30 bpm) to extremely fast (500 bpm). When Tremolos are written for guitars, they are usually notated with small arrows that indicate which direction to pick the strings. Tremolos are a great way to add excitement and energy to a piece of music. They can also be used to create a sense of tension or drama.

What is Trill?

Trill is a musical technique where a rapid succession of notes is played. It can be used on any instrument but is most commonly associated with wind instruments such as the flute, oboe, and clarinet. Trills typically involve alternating between two notes that are close in pitch. The speed of the notes can vary depending on the effect that the musician is trying to achieve. Trills can be used to add excitement or energy to a piece of music or to create a sense of movement. They can also be used for decorative purposes, adding flair and interest to a melody. When executed properly, trills can add a great deal of beauty and style to performance.

Difference between Tremolo and Trill

Tremolo and trill are both musical techniques that involve rapidly repeating a note or group of notes. Tremolo is typically used on stringed instruments, while trill is most often found in vocal music. The main difference between the two is that tremolo is played by rapidly repeating a single note, while trill involves alternating between two notes. Tremolo can be achieved by plucking a string quickly or by using a vibrato technique on a wind instrument. Trill, on the other hand, is usually achieved by a rapid succession of notes on a piano or by vibrato on a wind instrument. While both techniques add vibrancy and energy to a piece of music, tremolo tends to create a more jarring effect, while trill adds a sense of elegance and refinement.


In conclusion, tremolo and trill are two techniques used on a stringed instrument. Tremolo is the repetition of a note or chord, while trill is the rapid alternation between two notes. They produce different sounds and can be used to create different effects. Hopefully, this article has helped you understand the difference between tremolo and trill and how to use them in your own music.

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