Difference between Towards and Toward

Difference between Towards and Toward

When you’re writing, do you know the difference between towards and toward? Many people use them interchangeably, but there is a distinct difference. Towards is used as a preposition to indicate a direction, while toward is an adverb meaning “in the direction of.” In most cases, it’s best to use towards when you mean “towards something,” and to use toward when you mean “toward something.” Although they have similar meanings, there is a world of difference between towards and toward. Make sure you choose the right one for your sentence to ensure your writing sounds professional and accurate.

What is Towards?

Towards is a word that typically indicates movement or direction. For example, someone might say “I’m walking towards the store.” In this case, Towards is acting as a preposition indicating the direction of movement. Towards can also be used as an adverb, as in the sentence “He ran towards the finish line.” In this case, it indicates the direction of the verb (ran). Towards can also be used as a conjunction, joining two clauses together. For example, “I’m going towards the store, and I’ll be there in 10 minutes.” In this case, Towards is acting as a subordinating conjunction, indicating that the second clause is dependent on the first. Lastly, Towards can be used as an adjective, typically to describe someone’s attitude or demeanor. For example, “She had a Towards attitude when she walked into the room.” In this case, Towards is acting as an adjective to describe the subject’s attitude. As you can see, Towards is a versatile word that can be used in a variety of ways. Knowing how to use it correctly can help you communicate more effectively.

What is Toward?

Toward is a word that indicates movement in a particular direction. It can be used as a preposition or an adverb, and it is often followed by the word “to.” For example, you might say “I’m walking toward the store” or “She turned toward the sound of the barking dog.” Toward can also be used to indicate an approach or a goal. For example, you might say “We’re working toward a solution” or “Toward the end of the year, we’ll start looking for a new office space.” In each of these cases, Toward indicates movement or progress in a specific direction.

Difference between Towards and Toward

Towards and Toward are both words that can be used when referring to the movement in a certain direction. Towards is the older of the two words, and it is considered to be the more formal option. Toward is a more recent addition to the English language, and it is often used in spoken English. When writing, you can use either word, but Towards is generally considered to be the better choice. There are a few situations in which Towards is not appropriate, such as when referring to an amount of time (toward evening) or when using it as an adjective (toward the person). In general, though, Towards is the better option for written English.


There is a big difference between towards and toward. Make sure to use the correct word in your writing to avoid confusion. Toward can be used as either a preposition or an adverb, while towards is always a preposition. Be mindful of which word you are using and how it affects the meaning of your sentence.

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