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Difference between Tortellini and Tortelloni

Difference between Tortellini and Tortelloni

Tortellini and tortelloni are both types of pasta made from flour, water and eggs. They are both tube-shaped, but tortelloni are larger than tortellini. Tortellini are typically filled with cheese, while tortelloni can be filled with a variety of ingredients, including meats and vegetables. Both types of pasta are usually boiled in salted water before being served with a sauce or topping.

What is Tortellini?

Tortellini is a type of pasta that originates from the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna. It is made by rolling a piece of dough into a small circle, then folding it over to form a semi-circle. The edges are then pinched together to form a small pouch, which is then filled with a variety of fillings ranging from meats to cheeses. The filled dough is then formed into a ring shape and boiled. Tortellini can be served in a number of different ways, including with a tomato or cream based sauce, or simply broth. They are often garnished with grated cheese or freshly chopped herbs.

What is Tortelloni?

Tortelloni is a type of pasta that is made from a dough of flour, water, and eggs. The dough is then cut into thin strips, which are rolled into small balls. The balls are then pressed flat and filled with a variety of different fillings, such as cheese, meat, or vegetables. The filled pasta is then folded over and sealed to form a small turnover. Tortelloni can be served in a number of different ways, including with a sauce or in broth. It is typically made in a size that is large enough to be eaten in one bite.

Difference between Tortellini and Tortelloni

While both tortellini and tortelloni are made from a similar dough, there are some key differences between the two pasta shapes. Tortellini are small, ring shaped pasta that are typically filled with meat or cheese. Tortelloni, on the other hand, are larger and have a more oblong shape. They are also usually filled with a variety of different ingredients, including vegetables, cheeses, and meats. In terms of texture, tortellini are typically softer and more delicate than tortelloni. This is due to the fact that they are smaller and have a higher ratio of filling to dough. Finally, tortellini are typically served in a broth or sauce, while tortelloni are usually served with a cream-based sauce.


While both tortellini and tortelloni are made from the same dough, there is a big difference between the two pasta shapes. Tortelloni are larger than tortellini, and they are also filled with more cheese and meat. If you’re looking for a heartier pasta dish, tortelloni is the way to go.

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