Difference between the Ottoman Empire and the Persian Empire

Difference between the Ottoman Empire and the Persian Empire

The Ottoman Empire and the Persian Empire were two of the most powerful empires in history. Though they both had their strengths, there were some significant differences between them. For one thing, the Ottomans were more interested in expanding their territory, while the Persians were more concerned with maintaining their power. Additionally, the Ottoman Empire was a Sunni Muslim empire, while the Persian Empire was mainly Shiite Muslim. Finally, the Ottoman Empire was much more centralized than the Persian Empire. All in all, these two empires had very different strengths and weaknesses.

What is the Ottoman Empire?

The Ottoman Empire was a large Muslim state that existed from the late 13th century to the early 20th century. At its peak, the empire encompassed what is now Turkey, Egypt, the Balkans, North Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula.

  • The Ottoman Empire was founded by Osman I, a leader of the Turkish tribe of the Kayı. Under the Ottoman system, the Sultan was the absolute ruler of the empire, although real power was often exercised by the Grand Vizier, the Sultan’s chief minister.
  • The empire was divided into provinces, each ruled by a governor appointed by the Sultan. The government was further divided into two main branches: the military and the civilian.
  • The military branch was responsible for maintaining order and protecting the empire from external threats, while the civilian branch administered the day-to-day affairs of the state. The Ottoman Empire was a powerful force in the Muslim world, and its influence extended far beyond its territorial boundaries.

What is the Persian Empire?

  • The Persian Empire was the largest empire in ancient history, spanning 6.5 million square kilometers at its height. The empire was founded in the 6th century BCE by Cyrus the Great and reached its peak under Darius the Great in the 5th century BCE.
  • The Persian Empire was notable for its tolerance of different cultures and religions, as well as its development of infrastructure and architecture. The empire also played a significant role in the spread of Hellenistic culture throughout the Mediterranean world.
  • However, the empire ultimately fell to the forces of Alexander the Great in the 4th century BCE. Despite its eventual demise, the Persian Empire left a lasting legacy on the world.

Difference between the Ottoman Empire and the Persian Empire

The Ottoman Empire and the Persian Empire were two of the most powerful empires in the world for centuries. Though they shared a border, the two empires were very different in terms of their culture, religion, and government.

  • The Ottoman Empire was founded in the 13th century by the Turkish people, who were Sunni Muslims.
  • The Persian Empire, on the other hand, was founded in the 6th century by the Persian people, who were Shia Muslims.
  • The Ottoman Empire was ruled by a sultan, who had absolute power and controlled all aspects of the government.
  • The Persian Empire, on the other hand, was ruled by a shah, who had less power than the sultan and shared some power with a group of nobles. culturally, the two empires were also quite different.

The Ottoman Empire was known for its rich architecture and literature, while the Persian Empire was known for its poetic tradition and intricate carpets. Though they had some similarities, the Ottoman Empire and the Persian Empire were ultimately quite different from one another.


The Ottoman Empire and the Persian Empire were two of the most powerful empires in the world for centuries. While they had many similarities, there were also some key differences. The Ottoman Empire was a more centralized government while the Persian Empire was more decentralized. The Ottoman Empire was religiously tolerant while the Persian Empire favored its own religion. Finally, the Ottoman Empire was more successful in terms of military conquests while the Persian Empire was more successful in terms of cultural influence.

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