Difference between Teacher and Professor | Teacher vs. Professor

Difference between Teacher and Professor | Teacher vs. Professor

Teacher vs. Professor

Difference between Teacher and Professor: – Education is a lifelong process. It is the one that is in charge of preparing the individual so that it can be incorporated to the society in which it is developed and at the same time can be productive for this one. In the educational field, especially in the context of formal education; we often hear of two concepts that at first glance seem to be synonyms: teacher, and professor. But if we analyze well, we will realize that these terms actually describe different things.

If you want to know the difference between teacher and professor, then keep reading the article, because this post is all about the Difference between Teacher and Professor.

Difference between Teacher and Professor

Teacher is the individual who has studied and who has been scientifically prepared to teach.

Those who exercise as teachers have pedagogical instruction to guide or direct the teaching-learning process so that students can achieve the best possible results and acquire knowledge that allows them to perform better in certain contexts.

Teachers work in formal educational institutions and are in charge of transmitting the scientific knowledge that others have provided to humanity. It could be said that a teacher is a spokesperson for scientific researchers and others who perform or have made some contribution of knowledge.

An example of a teacher is one who teaches Newton’s Laws to his high school students.

Note: The word “teacher” can also be used to refer to a person who has done a masters degree in a particular area of ​​study.

The word professor comes from the term professing which in turn derives from the Latin profiteri (to declare in public). A professor is a professional trained to do the same thing as a teacher does (transmitting scientific knowledge), but the difference between teacher and professor is that professor not only transmits the knowledge that others have contributed; but is someone who investigates and brings new knowledge as a result of their research too.

In short, given that scientific knowledge continues to advance and that new knowledge is incorporated at every moment; teachers and professors must remain in constant formation, so that they do not confuse students with erroneous or outdated information.

One important thing to note is that education professionals can present different combinations of elements, for example; you can be a teacher and a professor. The characteristics of teachers and professors already mentioned above, but if we say that someone is a teacher, we are referring to a person who, in addition to transmitting scientific knowledge, also educates in values and cares about the integrity of the individuals. Whereas if we say that someone is a professor, what we are proposing is that this person transmits knowledge, contributes new knowledge and educates in values. It is important that we understand what has been said before, because there are cases in which a subject can be only teacher or professor.

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