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Difference between Tapeworm and Roundworm

Difference between Tapeworm and Roundworm

There is a big difference between tapeworms and roundworms. Roundworms are parasites that live in the intestines of people and animals, while tapeworms are parasites that can live in any part of the body. Roundworms can cause serious health problems, while tapeworms usually don’t cause any problems. Roundworms can be treated with medication, but there is no treatment for tapeworms. So it’s important to know the differences between these two types of worms.

What is Tapeworm?

A tapeworm is a long, thin worm that lives in the intestines of humans and other animals. The Tapeworm head has hooks or suckers that attach to the intestinal wall. The Tapeworm body is made up of many segments, each of which contains eggs. As the Tapeworm grows, new segments are added to the end of the worm. Tapeworms can grow up to 30 feet long! Tapeworms enter the human body when people eat contaminated food or drink contaminated water. They can also be passed from one person to another through close contact. Tapeworms cause a disease called cysticercosis, which can damage the brain, eyes, heart, and other organs. Tapeworms can also cause stomach pain and diarrhea. If you think you have a Tapeworm, see your doctor right away.

What is Roundworm?

Roundworm is a type of parasitic worm that can live in the intestine of humans and animals. Roundworms are usually acquired by eating contaminated food or soil, but they can also be passed from mother to child during pregnancy or childbirth. Roundworms can cause a variety of symptoms, including abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting. In some cases, they can also lead to weight loss and malnutrition. Roundworms can be treated with medication, but it is important to see a doctor if you think you may have been infected. Left untreated, roundworms can cause serious health problems.

Difference between Tapeworm and Roundworm

  • Tapeworms and roundworms are both parasitic worms that can infect the gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals. Tapeworms are long and flat, while roundworms are short and thick. Tapeworms attach themselves to the intestine with their head, while roundworms burrow into the intestinal wall.
  • Tapeworms can grow up to 30 feet long, while roundworms only grow to be about 4 inches long. Tapeworms are usually transmitted through contaminated food or water, while roundworms are transmitted through contact with contaminated soil.
  • Both tapeworms and roundworms can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, and weight loss. Treatment for tapeworm infections typically involves taking oral medications to kill the worm, while treatment for roundworm infections typically involves taking oral medications to kill the worm and removing it through surgery.


Tapeworms and roundworms are both types of parasites that can infect humans, but they have different life cycles and symptoms. Roundworms live in the intestines, while tapeworms can live in any organ in the body. Symptoms of roundworm infection include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Tapeworm infections can cause weight loss, malnutrition, and intestinal blockages.

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