Difference between Tactical and Strategic

Difference between Tactical and Strategic

What’s the difference between tactical and strategic? How can you tell which one to use and when? In this blog post, we’ll explore the definitions of each and give examples of when to use each type of thinking. When it comes to success in life and business, it’s important to be able to switch gears between tactical and strategic thinking as needed. Let’s get started!

What is Tactical?

  • Tactical refers to the specific actions and strategies that the military, law enforcement, and other personnel use to achieve their objectives. In many cases, tactical decisions must be made quickly, in response to rapidly changing circumstances.
  • As a result, Tactical decision-making often relies on experience and intuition, rather than on careful planning. Tactical decisions are often made at the squad or platoon level, by commanders who are closest to the action.
  • This allows for more flexible and responsive decision-making, but it also introduces the possibility of errors. Tactical decisions are often controversial, and they are often criticized in hindsight. Nonetheless, Tactical decision-making is essential to the success of many military and law enforcement operations.

What is Strategic?

  • A strategic is a roadmap for achieving specific goals. It typically includes a SWOT analysis, which looks at an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  • The strategic planning process often begins with a visioning exercise, in which leaders consider what they want the organization to achieve in the future. From there, they develop concrete goals and objectives and create a plan of action.
  • Strategic planning can be done at the organizational level or at the level of individual projects. In either case, it requires careful thought and attention to detail. When done well, it can help organizations achieve their goals and stay ahead of the competition.

Difference between Tactical and Strategic

Tactical and Strategic are two different types of planning.

  • Tactical planning is short-term and deals with the immediacy of the situation. It includes things like what needs to be done in the next few hours or days, and how to best execute a plan.
  • Tactical planning is important for dealing with unexpected events and ensuring that goals are met in the most efficient way possible. Strategic planning, on the other hand, is long-term and deals with the big picture.
  • It includes developing a vision for the future and making plans to achieve it. Strategic planning is important for setting direction and ensuring that resources are used in the most effective way possible.

Both tactical and strategic planning are important for businesses, but they serve different purposes. Tactical planning ensures that immediate goals are met, while strategic planning ensures that long-term goals are met.


The next time you’re feeling stuck on what to do next in your business, ask yourself if you need a tactical or strategic solution. Once you know the difference, it will be easier for you to make decisions that move your business forward.

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