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Difference between Table and View

Difference between Table and View

In the world of databases, there are two main objects: tables and views. Both have their own specific purposes, which is important to understand in order to use them correctly. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the difference between tables and views, and when it’s best to use each one. Stay tuned!

What is Table?

A table is a data structure that is used to store data in the form of rows and columns. Tables are often used to store information such as customer data, product data, or transaction data. Tables can be created in a variety of ways, including using a Table creation wizard or by manually entering data into a Table. Table data can be accessed via Table queries, which allow you to select specific Table data based on Table column values. Tables can also be joined to other Table data sources, such as views or stored procedures. Joining tables together allows you to combine Table data from multiple Table sources into a single result set. Tables can be created in Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database, MySQL, and other database management systems.

What is View?

The view is a Table in the Database. Tables are the basic structure of databases. In a relational database, data is organized into tables. Tables are similar to folders in a file system, where each table stores a collection of information. A table consists of rows and columns. Rows are also called records or tuples. Columns are also called attributes. Each row in a table has a unique identifier called a primary key.

Difference between Table and View

Tables and views are both used to store data in a database. However, they are two different types of objects. A table is a physical object that stores data in rows and columns. A view is a logical object that allows you to query data from one or more tables. Tables are the basic storage unit in a database. Views do not store data; they are used to retrieve data from one or more tables. When you create a view, you specify the columns and rows from one or more tables that you want to include in the view. You can think of a view as a subset of a table. Views are typically used for security purposes or to simplify the structure of a database for users. For example, you might create a view that only includes the names and contact information of customers in a specific region.


A table is a great way to store data and it’s easy to use. However, if you want to be able to query your data or join tables together, then you need to use a view. Views give you the ability to do all sorts of things with your data that tables don’t, like including calculations and aggregations. They also let you control who can see the data in your table. If you want more flexibility with your data, create some views!

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