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Difference between Syllabus and Syllabi

Difference between Syllabus and Syllabi

A syllabus is a plan of instruction, while a syllabi is a plural form of the word. In education, a syllabus usually refers to the document that outlines the course objectives, topics, texts, and assignments. A syllabi may also include grade breakdowns and policy information. Instructors often provide their students with a copy of the syllabus at the beginning of the semester or term.
Some people use the terms “syllabus” and “syllabi” interchangeably, but they have different meanings. The word “syllabus” is singular and refers to one specific document, while “syllabi” is plural and refers to multiple documents. If you’re not sure which one to use, just be consistent throughout your piece and use “syllabus.”

What is Syllabus?

Syllabus is a word that has a few different uses. It can refer to a outline or summary of the main points of a course of study, usually given to students at the beginning of the semester. It can also refer to the main points or topics covered in a speech, book, or other work. Syllabus may also be used as a verb, meaning to include something in a course of study or list of topics. In all its forms, syllabus comes from the Greek word for “list.” Syllabus entered English in the 16th century and has been used in all these senses since then.

What is Syllabi?

Syllabi is the plural form of syllabus, which comes from the Latin word syllabus meaning “label.” In its most basic sense, a syllabus is simply a list of topics that will be covered in a class or course. Syllabi can be very helpful for both students and teachers. For students, a syllabus provides an overview of what will be covered in a course and can help them to plan their study time. For teachers, a syllabus can be a valuable planning tool, ensuring that all of the important topics are covered in the allotted time. Syllabi can also be used as a teaching aid, providing structure and helping to keep students on track. Ultimately, a syllabus is a helpful tool for both teachers and students alike.

Difference between Syllabus and Syllabi

Syllabus and Syllabi are two words that are often confused due to the similarity in their spellings and pronunciation. Both words are plural forms of the word syllabus, which is derived from the Latin word syllabus meaning “list.” Syllabus is the preferred spelling in American English, while Syllabi is the preferred spelling in British English.

Syllabi is also used occasionally in American English, but it is considered to be a less common spelling. In general, Syllabus is used more often than Syllabi, regardless of whether you are using American English or British English. When referring to more than one syllabus, it is best to use the plural form Syllabi since it is less likely to be confused with the singular form Syllabus.


Syllabus and syllabi are both important tools for students, but they have different purposes. A syllabus outlines the goals of a course while a syllabi is a more detailed document that includes attendance policies, grading rubrics, and other important information. It’s important for students to understand the difference between these two documents so they can be sure they are meeting all the requirements of their courses.

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