When dealing with food and beverage, two words are often used interchangeably: sterilization and pasteurization. These processes help to ensure the safety of products by eliminating or reducing dangerous pathogens that could be present in the items before being consumed, however they perform these tasks in different ways. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the differences between sterilization and pasteurization so you can better protect yourself from consuming harmful organisms when buying food or beverages.
What is Sterilization?
- Sterilization is a process whereby organisms, such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses, are removed from the environment. It is typically used to sanitize medical instruments, like scalpels and syringes, but can also be used to kill microbes in food and drinks.
- Sterilization can be accomplished using physical methods such as heat or radiation as well as chemical agents like hydrogen peroxide. Sterilizing a surface or an object prevents new germs from being able to reproduce on it and keeps microorganisms from establishing themselves there.
- Sterilization helps keep items clean so they can be safely reused without risk of infection. While it isn’t 100 percent effective in removing all living microorganisms, Sterilization helps reduce their numbers significantly and makes them easier to remove through thorough cleaning techniques.
What is Pasteurization?
Pasteurization is a method of treating food and drink to eliminate dangerous pathogens and make them safe for human consumption. This process was developed by the famous scientist Louis Pasteur in the 19th century, who also discovered germ theory.
- His revolutionary discovery made it possible to kill off bacteria and other microorganisms in foods and beverages that can cause spoilage and/or illnesses.
- Pasteurization works by carefully heating up a product to a certain temperature and holding it at that temperature for a certain amount of time, allowing it to cool down before consuming or packaging it.
- This process is commonly used on dairy products, beverages like beer and wine, as well as select fruits and vegetables. Pasteurization helps ensure our safety against a variety of unwanted bacteria, fungi, and viruses which can cause serious health issues.
Difference between Sterilization and Pasteurization
Sterilization and pasteurization are important methods of food preservation. Sterilization refers to a process that destroys all living organisms in an environment, effectively killing germs, microorganisms, and spores.
- Pasteurization is a less intensive method that is designed to reduce microbial growth by heating food or beverage for a short period of time. This process does not destroy microorganisms, but it decreases their numbers enough to lower the risk of food contamination.
- Sterilization requires extreme heat or radiation while pasteurization uses milder methods; though pasteurized foods occasionally require some additional treatment after they have been heated.
- Sterilization and pasteurization both play an important role in keeping foods safe for consumption, and many industries rely on them as effective ways of preserving food products.
Sterilization is a process that kills all microorganisms whereas pasteurization only reduces the number of live bacteria. High-heat sterilization methods are used to sterilize medical equipment, Glassware, plastic ware, etc. Pasteurized milk is common but other food items can be pasteurized as well such as fruit juices, cheeses, eggs, etc. It is important to note the difference between these two terms as they are often confused with one another!