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Difference between Stack and Array

Difference between Stack and Array

Understanding data structures and their associated complexities is an essential skill for any aspiring programmer or software engineer. Different data structures have different properties, operations, and limitations which must be taken into account when making decisions about program design. One of the first core topics on the journey to mastering data structures is understanding the difference between a Stack and an Array. Both are linear collections of elements — but how they operate in terms of storage and retrieval can vary drastically depending on which one you choose. In this blog post, we’ll explore exactly what Stacks and Arrays are, discuss their differences, and look at some real-world applications where each can be used effectively.

What is Stack?

Stack is a collection of objects that are structured in a particular order and adhere to the Last In First Out (LIFO) principle. It allows users to push data onto the Stack, pull off data that was last added, and view the Stack in any moment. Stack gives users the flexibility to access data in an efficient way and is used widely across a number of industries, such as web development, software engineering, and more.

Stack eliminates any navigation issues between elements of data and ensures each object is addressed separately while maintaining its original order. Stack has no limit on how much it can store and how complex it can get so users can feel secure that their project will stay safe regardless of how big or intricate it gets. Stack has revolutionized the way users access information with its streamlined system that provides an answer for all data-related challenges.

What is Array?

An array is an important data structure used to store information in computer programming. It is a collection of like-type items, all allocated memory in contiguous space. Array elements are chosen by an index and each element can be referred to simply by its array name and corresponding index.

Array storage is much more efficient than linked lists as there is no need for extra space/pointers linking each item and the data needs constant memory location. Array also allow for fast retrieval of data due to the known locations of elements, making it possible to access individual items quickly without needing to search through the entire list. Array therefore provide developers and users with massive gain in operational speed.

Difference between Stack and Array

  • Stack and Array are both data structures which help to store and organize information, but there are distinct differences between the two. Stack operates on a Last-In-First Out (LIFO) basis for data storage and retrieval – the most recently added element is always at the top of the stack; when an item is removed from the Stack, it returns the last added element first.
  • An array however, stores elements sequentially in an indexed format and items can be accessed by their location in an array, instead of how recently they were added or removed.
  • Stack focuses more on memory management as opposed to order of insertion/deletion like Arrays do, making Stack a better choice for applications that frequently add and remove items but don’t require accessing indices of stored elements.


Stack and Array are two data structures used in programming. They have different purposes and uses. Stack is a last-in, first-out data structure while an array is a collection of elements that can be accessed by their index number. Knowing the difference between these two data structures will help you when you’re writing code.

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