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Difference between SS8 and Signaling System

Difference between SS8 and Signaling System

When engineers discuss the topic of telecommunications, one of the most important concepts to understand is signaling system number 8 (SS8). This technology has been used for many years and helps to manage different types of communication traffic. However, there is another signaling system that is becoming more popular called signaling system 7 (SS7). What are the differences between SS7 and SS8? Let’s take a closer look.

What is SS8?

SS8 is an industry-standard network protocol that enables devices to communicate with each other. It is commonly used in a wide range of industries, from automotive to aerospace. SS8 provides a high degree of flexibility and reliability and is able to support a variety of applications. One of the key benefits of SS8 is its ability to scale. In other words, it can be easily configured to work with a small number of devices or a large number of devices. SS8 is also highly robust and secure, making it an ideal choice for critical applications.

What is Signaling System?

A signaling system is a system that uses signals to send information. Signals can be sent through different mediums such as light, sound, or electricity. Signaling systems are used in a variety of contexts, such as communication, navigation, and control. Signaling systems are used to send information between two or more points. The information can be sent in different forms, such as text, images, or video. Signaling systems are used in a variety of industries, such as telecommunications, transportation, and security. Signaling systems are an essential part of many modern technological applications.

Difference between SS8 and Signaling System

SS8 and Signaling System are two important terms in the telecommunications industry. SS8 is a signaling system that is used to describe how information is exchanged between telephone switches. Signaling System, on the other hand, refers to the set of rules that govern how information is exchanged between telecommunication networks. The two systems are different in how they handle information.

SS8 uses digital signaling to send and receive data, while Signaling System uses analog signals. SS8 is also capable of handling data at high speeds, while Signaling System has a lower data rate. As a result, SS8 is often used for voice communications, while Signaling System is used for data communications.


The signaling system is a critical part of our cellular infrastructure and helps to maintain communication between cells. SS8 provides an extra layer of security for the signaling system, making it more difficult for unauthorized individuals or entities to access sensitive information. While both systems are important, the signaling system is foundational for cellular communication and should be protected using all available means, including SS8.

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