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Difference between Southern and Northern States Before The Civil War

Difference between Southern and Northern States Before The Civil War

If you were to ask someone from the south what is the difference between the north and south before the civil war, they would most likely say that northerners are more business-minded, while southerners are more laid back and care about family values. While this may be true to some extent, there is much more that goes into this divide than just how people act. In order to understand why the south seceded from the Union in 1861, it’s important to look at all of the differences between these regions.

What is Southern State Before The Civil War?

Southern State Before The Civil War was a state that was located in the Southern United States. The state was founded in 1732 and it was one of the thirteen colonies that revolted against British rule during the American Revolution. The southern States Before The Civil War declared their independence from the United Kingdom on July 4, 1776. The state was admitted to the Union on June 21, 1788. Southern State Before The Civil War seceded from the Union on December 20, 1860. The state was readmitted to the Union on June 25, 1868.

What is the Northern State Before The Civil War?

Northern State Before The Civil War was a time of great political, social, and economic change. The Northern states were growing rapidly, both in population and in wealth. factories were springing up, and new transportation networks were being built. This era also saw the rise of the abolitionist movement, as well as the growth of the feminist and temperance movements.

In addition, the Northern states were also becoming increasingly urbanized, as more and more people moved to cities in search of work. Despite these changes, the Northern states remained committed to the ideal of democracy and equality for all citizens. This commitment would be put to the test in the years to come, as the country descended into Civil War.

Difference between Southern and Northern States Before The Civil War

The Southern and Northern States Before The Civil War were different in many ways. One of the biggest differences was in the economy. The Southern States relied heavily on agriculture, while the Northern States had a more diversified economy. This led to different ways of life for people in the two regions. Southern plantation owners tended to be wealthy, while most Northerners were working class. Another difference between the two regions was in their approach to slavery. Southern states made slavery an integral part of their economy, while Northern states had mostly abolished it by the time of the Civil War. These differences led to tensions between the two regions that eventually erupted into war.


The Civil War was fought from 1861-1865 and pitted the Confederate States of America, made up of 11 southern states that seceded from the United States, against the united states, made up of 23 northern states. The primary cause of the war was slavery and states’ rights, but there were many other factors that contributed to the conflict. In this blog post, we’ve looked at some of the key differences between Southern and Northern states before the Civil War.

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