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Difference between Smooth Muscles and Skeletal Muscles

Difference between Smooth Muscles and Skeletal Muscles

There are two types of muscle in the human body: smooth muscles and skeletal muscles. While both types of muscle have important functions, they are quite different from each other. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the differences between smooth muscles and skeletal muscles. We will also discuss the roles that each type of muscle plays in the body. Stay tuned!

What is Smooth Muscle?

Smooth muscle is a type of muscle that is found in the walls of hollow organs such as the stomach, intestines, urinary tract, and blood vessels. Smooth muscle is unique in that it is able to contract and relax without conscious effort. These muscles are controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which means that they can work even when a person is not thinking about them.

Smooth muscle is much slower and weaker than skeletal muscle, but it can stay contracted for long periods of time. This makes smooth muscle essential for functions like digestion and blood circulation. Smooth muscle is also responsible for moving substances through the body, such as food through the digestive tract and urine through the urinary tract.

What is a Skeletal Muscle?

Skeletal muscle is a type of muscle that is attached to the bones of the skeleton. Skeletal muscles are responsible for movement, and they work in pairs – when one muscle contracts, the other relaxes. Skeletal muscles are also important for stabilizing joints and supporting the spine. Skeletal muscle tissue is made up of long, slender cells called myocytes. Each myocyte contains multiple myofibrils, which are strands of contractile proteins.

Skeletal muscles are able to contract and relax because of the way that myofibrils are arranged within each cell. When a muscle contracts, the myofibrils slide past each other, shortening the muscle cell. This process is known as muscular contraction. Skeletal muscles are able to contract more forcefully than any other type of tissue in the body, and they are essential for movement.

Difference between Smooth Muscles and Skeletal Muscles

Smooth muscles and skeletal muscles are the two main types of muscles in the human body. Smooth muscles are found in the walls of internal organs, such as the stomach, intestine, and blood vessels. They contract involuntarily, meaning that we cannot control them consciously. In contrast, skeletal muscles are attached to bones and can be contracted voluntarily. We use them for movements like walking, talking, and lifting objects.

Smooth muscles are slower to contract than skeletal muscles and can stay contracted for a longer period of time. They also generate less force than skeletal muscles. Finally, smooth muscle tissue is arranged in sheets, while skeletal muscle tissue is arranged in bundles. These differences between smooth muscles and skeletal muscles are essential for understanding how our bodies work.


The next time you’re in the gym, or just working around the house, take a moment to appreciate your skeletal muscles. These muscles are responsible for all of your conscious movements. But don’t forget about your smooth muscles- they play an important role too! Smooth muscles are found in organs such as the stomach and intestines and help with digestion and other automatic functions. Now that you know the difference between smooth and skeletal muscles, you can better understand how your body works. Thanks for reading!

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