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Difference between Slugs and Snails

Difference between Slugs and Snails

Slugs and snails may look similar, but they have very different characteristics. Slugs are slimy and lack a shell, while snails have a hard shell. Snails move more slowly than slugs, but both creatures can be destructive to plants in your garden. It is important to know the difference between these pests so you can properly treat them.

What is Slug?

Slug, also known by its scientific name, Deroceras reticulatum, is a common type of terrestrial mollusk. Slugs are found in gardens and fields all over the world, and often cause damage to crops. Slug mucus is slimy and sticky, and helps the slug to move across surfaces. Slug mucus also contains toxins that can kill other creatures, such as snails. Slugs reproduce by laying eggs in the soil. Slug eggs hatch into larvae, which grow into adult slugs over the course of several weeks. Slug control is difficult, as they are able to travel long distances and reproduce quickly. The best way to prevent slug damage is to remove them from your garden or field as soon as you see them.

What is Snail?

Snail is a common name that is applied most often to land-dwelling gastropod mollusks. Snails are characterized by a coiled shell into which the animal can withdraw. Snails typically have a soft body, which is protected by the shell. Snails are found in freshwater, as well as in marine habitats. Snails play an important role in the decomposition of organic matter and are also a food source for many animals. Snails are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both male and female reproductive organs. In order to mate, two snails exchange sperm. Snail reproduction can be either sexual or asexual. Asexual reproduction occurs through fragmentation, where a piece of the snail’s body breaks off and grows into a new individual. Sexual reproduction results in the formation of eggs, which are fertilized by sperm and then hatch into young snails.

Difference between Slugs and Snails

Slugs and snails are both gastropod mollusks, meaning they have a soft, unsegmented body that is often contained within a shell. Slugs, however, do not have a visible shell. These creatures are often found in damp environments such as gardens, where they feed on plants. Slugs typically lay their eggs in the soil, and the young hatchlings emerge from the egg fully formed, without going through a larval stage. Snails, on the other hand, have a visible spiral shell. They are also found in moist environments, where they scavenge for food. Unlike slugs, snails go through a larval stage in which they develop their shells. In general, slugs are smaller than snails and move more quickly. Both slugs and snails are considered pests by many gardeners.


In conclusion, slugs and snails are both mollusks that can be found in gardens, but they have some key differences. Slugs are slimy and lack a shell, while snails are harder to spot because they retract into their shells. Snails also move more slowly than slugs. If you’re looking for ways to get rid of these garden pests, there are a few methods you can try. Slug bait is effective against slugs, while copper barriers can keep snails out of your garden. Thanks for reading!

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