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Difference between Shia and Sunni Mosques

Difference between Shia and Sunni Mosques

It is important to distinguish between Shia and Sunni mosques, as the two sects of Islam have different practices. Sunni mosques are more common, and they typically have a square or rectangular shape. Shia mosques, on the other hand, are often dome-shaped with intricate designs. This difference in architecture reflects the different beliefs of the two sects. Sunnis believe that Mohammed was the final prophet, while Shias believe that Ali was God’s rightful heir. As a result, Sunni mosques place greater emphasis on Muhammad’s teachings, while Shia mosques focus on Ali’s teachings.

What is Shia Mosque?

  • Shia Mosque is a Shia Islamic house of worship. It is also referred to as Imambargah, Mashhad, or Mausoleum. Shia Mosques are different in architecture from Sunni mosques, as they usually have a distinct leaded prayer niche called a mihrab and often contain an area for commemorating martyrs. Shia Mosques are also distinguished by their use of ornate tiles and calligraphy, as well as Shia symbols such as the Dome of Ali.
  • Shia Islam is the second-largest branch of Islam, with around 15% of all Muslims worldwide belonging to the Shia tradition. In terms of beliefs, Shia Islam is very similar to Sunni Islam, with the main difference being in the Imamah, or leadership of the Muslim community. Shia Muslims believe that only certain individuals, known as Imams, can be legitimate leaders, while Sunni Muslims do not have this belief.
  • In terms of practice, Shia Muslims tend to be more observant than Sunni Muslims, and they also place greater emphasis on mourning and commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad. As a result of these differences, Shia mosques tend to be much more ornate and colorful than Sunni mosques.

What is Sunni Mosque?

Sunni mosques are places of worship for Sunni Muslims. Sunni Islam is the largest branch of Islam, and Sunni mosques are typically the most numerous type of mosque. Sunni mosques vary in size and style, but all contain a prayer hall, where worshippers face Mecca during prayer. Most Sunni mosques also have a minaret, from which the call to prayer is made.

Sunni mosques may also contain other features, such as a courtyard, library, or school. Sunni Muslims pray five times per day, and Friday is considered the holiest day of the week. Services at a Sunni mosque typically begin with the recitation of the Quran, followed by a sermon (khutbah). Sunni mosques typically do not require special clothing or ablutions for worship.

Difference between Shia and Sunni Mosques

Shia and Sunni Mosques are different in a few ways. The Shia Muslims believe that the Imam, or spiritual leader, should be a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad. The Sunni Muslims do not have this requirement for their Imam. Shia Mosques are often decorated with symbols of the Shia faith, such as banners and posters with Shia slogans. Sunni Mosques typically do not display such symbols.

Shia Muslims often pray in groups of two or more, while Sunni Muslims usually pray individually. Finally, Shia Muslims wash their hands and face before prayer, while Sunni Muslims do not have this requirement. These are just a few of the ways that Shia and Sunni Mosques differ from each other.


The differences between Shia and Sunni mosques are important to understand in order to create religious harmony in the world. By understanding these differences, we can help people of different faiths learn about each other and appreciate their similarities. Differences between Shia and Sunni mosques can also provide insight into cultural traditions and the ways that people worship.

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