It is no secret that the Islamic faith is divided into two sects, Shia and Sunni. While both sects share some common beliefs, there are also some significant differences between the two groups. One of the most notable distinctions between Shia and Sunni marriage practices is how they handle inheritance. This article will explore the difference between Shia and Sunni marriage with a focus on inheritance.
What is Shia Marriage?
Shia Muslims follow a different set of rules when it comes to marriage than Sunni Muslims. Shia marriage is known as Nikah mut’ah, and it is a temporary marriage that can last for any amount of time, from an hour to several years. The couple enters into a contract, and at the end of the contract, they can either renew it or dissolve the marriage.
Shia marriages do not require the presence of a guardian, and the couple does not need to exchange vows. Shia marriages also do not require a dowry, and the bride does not have to give up her maiden name. Shia Muslims believe that Nikah mut’ah is the only form of Islamic marriage that is permissible. However, Sunni Muslims consider Nikah mut’ah to be invalid.
What is Sunni Marriage?
Sunni marriage is a term used to describe the traditional Islamic marriage contract. Sunni Muslims believe that the contract should be verbally agreed upon by both parties and that it should be witnessed by at least two other people. Sunni marriages are not officiated by a religious leader but instead are considered to be a civil contract. The contract typically includes provisions for dowry, Mahr, and divorce.
Sunni marriages are considered to be valid as long as both parties consent to the terms of the contract. If either party wishes to dissolve the marriage, they must do so through the legal process of divorce. Sunni marriages are not recognized by Shia Muslims, who believe that the contract should be signed by both parties and officiated by a religious leader.
Difference between Shia and Sunni Marriage
Shia and Sunni Muslims have different rulings on marriage. Shia Muslims allow temporary marriages, while Sunni Muslims do not. Shia Muslims also allow a husband to have more than one wife, while Sunni Muslims limit a husband to four wives. Sunni and Shia Muslims also differ on the concept of the wali. In Shia Islam, the wali is the guardian of the bride who gives her away in marriage.
In Sunni Islam, the wali can be any male relative of the bride. Shia and Sunni Muslims also have different divorce procedures. In Shia Islam, a husband can divorce his wife without her consent. In Sunni Islam, both husband and wife must agree to the divorce. As you can see, there are many differences between Shia and Sunni marriages.
Sunni and Shia Muslims have different beliefs about marriage. The main difference is that Sunnis believe in the legality of Muta’h, which is a temporary marriage, while Shiites do not. There are other differences between the two sects when it comes to marriage, such as divorce and polygamy.