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Difference between Shame and Embarrassment

Difference between Shame and Embarrassment

Though often used interchangeably, shame and embarrassment are two distinct emotions. Shame is a feeling of worthlessness or inferiority, while embarrassment is a feeling of discomfort or awkwardness. Both can be experienced in social situations, but differ in the way they are triggered. Shame is usually triggered by something we do or don’t do, while embarrassment can be caused by anything that draws attention to us. Understanding the difference between these two feelings can help us manage them better in social situations.

What is Shame?

Shame is an emotion that is often misunderstood. Shame is not the same as guilt, which is feeling bad about something you have done. Shame is feeling bad about yourself, regardless of what you have done. Shame is a toxic emotion that can damage your self-esteem and lead to social isolation. Shame can be caused by trauma, such as abuse or neglect. It can also be caused by critical comments from others or messages from society that say you are not good enough. Shame is a heavy burden to carry, but it is possible to heal from shame with the help of a therapist or other support system.

What is Embarrassment?

Embarrassment is an emotional state that is characterized by feelings of self-consciousness, shame, and awkwardness. It is often accompanied by a physical response, such as blushing or sweating. Embarrassment can be caused by a variety of factors, including making a mistake, being teased or mocked by others, or saying or doing something that goes against one’s personal beliefs.

Embarrassment is a normal part of life, and most people will experience it at some point. However, for some people, embarrassment can be a recurring and debilitating problem that negatively impacts their quality of life. If you regularly find yourself feeling embarrassed, it may be worth seeking professional help.

Difference between Shame and Embarrassment

Shame and embarrassment are two emotions that are often confused. Shame is an emotion that is felt when someone believes they have done something wrong or their actions do not meet the standards of their community or peer group. Shame is often accompanied by feelings of inadequacy, worthlessness, and powerlessness. On the other hand, embarrassment is an emotion that is felt when someone’s actions are inconsistent with the image they want to project.

Embarrassment is often accompanied by feelings of discomfort, awkwardness, and humility. While both shame and embarrassment can be uncomfortable, they serve different purposes. Shame motivates people to change their behavior so that they can meet the standards of their community or peer group. Embarrassment motivates people to act in a way that is consistent with the image they want to project.


Shame and embarrassment are two very different emotions, with unique effects on the body and mind. The next time you find yourself in a situation that might cause one of these feelings, it’s important to understand which one is driving your response so that you can manage it accordingly.

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