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Difference between Self Esteem and Self Confidence

Difference between Self Esteem and Self Confidence

Self esteem and self confidence are both important facets of our lives, but they are not the same thing. Many people confuse the two, but they are actually quite different. In this blog post, we will explore the difference between self esteem and self confidence, and how to build each one up in your life. We will also look at some of the benefits of having high levels of both self esteem and self-confidence. Read on to learn more!

What is Self Esteem?

Self esteem is the opinion you have of yourself. It is how much you like, respect or approve of yourself. Self esteem is important because it heavily impacts our decisions, emotions and overall lives. People with high self esteem tend to be happier, set better boundaries and have healthier relationships than those with low self esteem. Self esteem also effects our physical health – people with high self esteem are more likely to take care of their bodies and stick to positive health habits. Building self esteem can be a lifelong journey, but it is worth it to invest in yourself! Everyone deserves to love and respect themselves.

What is Self Confidence?

Self-confidence is the belief in oneself and one’s abilities. It is not to be confused with arrogance, which is a form of false confidence. People with high self-confidence tend to believe in their own abilities and have faith in their own judgments. They are not afraid to take risks and are able to handle setbacks and criticism. People with low self-confidence, on the other hand, doubt their own abilities and are often afraid to take risks. As a result, they may miss out on opportunities for growth and development. Self-confidence is an important quality that can be improved through practice and positive reinforcement. People who are self-confident tend to be successful in various areas of their lives, including work, relationships, and academics.

Difference between Self Esteem and Self Confidence

Self esteem and self confidence are often used interchangeably, but they actually refer to two different concepts. Self esteem is a measure of how we value and respect ourselves. It is based on our own opinion of ourselves and how we believe we compare to others. Self confidence, on the other hand, is a measure of our ability to competence and skill. It refers to our belief in our ability to succeed at a task or goal.

While self esteem is based on our own opinion, self confidence is based on our past experiences and success. Both self esteem and self confidence are important for a healthy sense of self. However, they serve different purposes. Self esteem helps us to feel good about ourselves, while self confidence gives us the motivation and belief that we can achieve our goals.


The difference between self esteem and self confidence is an important distinction to make. It’s also crucial to understand that these two concepts are not mutually exclusive — you can have high levels of both, or low levels of both. It’s okay if you don’t have a perfect understanding of the difference yet; just keep reading and we promise it will all become clear. We hope this article has helped you better understand the differences between self esteem and self confidence.

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