Difference between Sea Ice and Land Ice

Difference between Sea Ice and Land Ice

Sea ice and land ice are both forms of ice, but they have different compositions and purposes. Sea ice is made up of frozen ocean water, while land ice is made up of frozen fresh water. Sea ice forms in the winter and melts in the summer, while land ice can form year-round. Land ice is important for regulating global climate, while sea ice plays a critical role in marine ecosystems. There are also major differences in their thickness and extent. Let’s take a closer look at these two types of ice!

What is Sea Ice?

Sea ice is a type of frozen water that forms when seawater freezes. It can occur in both polar and non-polar regions, but is most common in the Arctic and Antarctic. Sea ice plays an important role in the Earth’s climate system, helping to regulate temperature and moisture levels. It also provides a habitat for a variety of marine life, including seals, penguins, and whales. Unfortunately, sea ice is threatened by climate change. warmer temperatures are causing the ice to melt at an accelerating rate, which could have devastating consequences for the environment.

What is Land Ice?

Land ice is any form of ice that is found on land, as opposed to icebergs or sea ice, which float on the oceans. The most common type of land ice is glaciers, which are large bodies of slowly moving ice found in mountainous regions. Glaciers are formed over thousands of years as snowfall accumulates and compresses into ice. As glaciers move, they can erode the landscape beneath them, creating U-shaped valleys and other landforms. In addition to glaciers, land ice can also take the form of permafrost, which is permanently frozen ground found in high-latitude regions like Antarctica and Greenland. Permafrost contains a significant amount of the world’s freshwater, as well as large amounts of carbon and other important nutrients. As global temperatures rise, melting permafrost can release this water and these nutrients into the environment, potentially impacting ecosystems around the world.

Difference between Sea Ice and Land Ice

Sea ice is frozen seawater that forms along coasts and floats in the open ocean. It is different from icebergs, which are chunks of freshwater ice that calve (break off) from land ice, such as glaciers. Land ice includes glaciers, ice caps, and permafrost. Icebergs that calve from glaciers can be very large; some are even bigger than the island of Manhattan. The largest iceberg on record was about twice the size of the state of Rhode Island.

Sea ice generally melts during the summer months and grows during the winter months. In the Northern Hemisphere, sea ice reaches its maximum extent in March. The minimum extent usually occurs in September. In the Southern Hemisphere, these months are reversed. The Arctic is covered with sea ice for about six months of the year, while Antarctica is covered with sea ice for about nine months of the year.


The difference between sea ice and land ice is an important distinction to make when studying climate change. Sea ice is frozen ocean water, while land ice is frozen precipitation, such as snow or hail.Sea ice melts during the summer months and reforms in the winter, while land ice can melt completely and never reform. Melting sea ice does not contribute to rising sea levels since it is already in the ocean, but melting land ice does contribute to rising sea levels.

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