When you’re writing, it’s important to use the correct verb tense when referring to dialogue. “Says” is a present tense verb, while, “said” is past tense. For example, “He says he’s going to be there,” and “He said he’d be there.” Using the correct verb form will help your writing sound more polished and professional.
What is Says?
Says is a word that is often used in writing and speaking. It can be used as a stand-alone verb or as part of a larger verb phrase. When used as a stand-alone verb, Says typically means “to state or declare.” For example, you might say “The president says the economy is doing well.” When used as part of a larger verb phrase, Says typically means “to indicate.” For example, you might say “The numbers on the chart says that the company is doing well.” In both cases, Says conveys information from one person or thing to another. Says can also be used as a noun, where it refers to an act or instance of stating or declaring something. For example, you might say “His says were met with applause from the audience.” As you can see, Says is a versatile word that can be used in a variety of ways. Whether you’re using it as a verb, noun, or part of a verb phrase, Says is an important tool for conveying information.
What is Said?
Said is a word that is used to describe something that has been previously mentioned or alluded to. Said can also be used as a standalone word to introduce a quote. For example, if someone said “I’m feeling really stressed out,” you could say, “She said she was feeling stressed out.” Said is typically considered to be a neutral word, and it is often used in academic writing. However, Said can also be used for emphasis, as in the phrase “he said emphatically.” In general, Said is a versatile word that can be used in a variety of ways.
Difference between Says and Said
Says and said are both verbs that indicate communication. However, there is a subtle difference between the two words. Says is used for quoted speech, whereas said is used for reported speech. For example, if someone told you “I’m going to the store,” you would report this by saying “She said that she was going to the store.” In this sentence, said is used because it is reporting on something that was already said. On the other hand, if you were quoting someone’s exact words, you would use says. For example, you might write “She says ‘I’m going to the store'” to indicate that those are the speaker’s exact words. In summary, says is used for quoted speech, and said is used for reported speech.
In order to sound professional in your writing, it’s important to use the correct verb tense when reporting what someone has said. The past tense is used when quoting someone directly, as in “he said,” while the present tense is generally used when paraphrasing what they said. There are a few exceptions to this rule (like if you’re quoting dialogue from a movie or book), but for the most part, using the right verb tense will make your writing sound more polished.