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Difference between Say and Tell

Difference between Say and Tell

When do you use “say” and when do you use “tell”? The differences between these two words can be difficult to remember, but it’s important to use the correct one for the right situation. Here’s a guide on the difference between say and tell.

What is Say?

Say is a verb that typically indicates the act of verbally expressing something. In other words, to say something is to utter or pronounce words or sounds that express a thought, an idea, or a feeling. Say can also be used as a directive, telling someone else to express something verbally. For example, you might say to your friend, “Please say hello to your mother for me.” Say can also be used as a noun to refer to what is expressed verbally. For example, after delivering a speech, you might say, “I hope my words will have a positive effect on the audience overall say about the matter.” Say is also sometimes used interchangeably with the word tell. However, tell typically implies conveying information or news, whereas say implies conveying one’s own thoughts or feelings.

What is Tell?

Tell is a verb that typically indicates that someone is conveying information to another person. For example, you might say “I’ll tell you a secret” in order to share confidential information. Tell can also be used as a command, as in the phrase “Tell me the truth.” In this case, tell functions as a demand for information. In addition, tell can be used to give instructions or make requests, as in the sentence “Tell me what to do.” Tell is also sometimes used as a synonym for “advice,” as in the expression “I could use some advice.” Ultimately, the meaning of tell depends on the context in which it is used.

Difference between Say and Tell

Saying and telling are both ways of conveying information, but they are used in different ways. When you say something, you are expressing a fact or opinion. For example, if someone asks you what the time is, you would say, “It is 3:15.” Telling is used when you are conveying information that is not commonly known. For example, if you tell someone your phone number, you are sharing information that they do not already know. Say is typically used with a direct object, while tell is used with an indirect object. For example, you would say, “I will tell them the news,” but “I will say to them hello.” Say is also typically used when conveying a message or quote, while tell is used when conveying information about someone or something. Although they are similar, saying and telling have different uses in English.


Although the terms “say” and “tell” are often used interchangeably, they have different implications in terms of communication. Saying something implies that you are stating a fact or sharing an opinion. Telling someone to do something is more directive and can come across as bossy or demanding. When writing copy for your website or marketing materials, be mindful of the difference between these two words and use them appropriately to create a positive impression with your audience.

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