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Difference between SAX and DOM

Difference between SAX and DOM

There are two main ways to parse XML: SAX and DOM. They both have their pros and cons, but which one is the best for your project? Let’s take a look at the difference between SAX and DOM.

What is SAX?

SAX is an acronym for Simple API for XML. SAX is a streaming interface for XML data and manipulation in Java. Unlike DOM(The Document Object Model), SAX does not load the entire XML into memory, making it more efficient and scalable. instead, SAX events are fired as the XML is processed, allowing your application to respond as needed. This makes SAX particularly well suited for large data sets or real-time processing. Despite its name, SAX can be complex to work with due to the low-level nature of the API.

However, there are a number of libraries available that make working with SAX easier, such as JAXP(Java API for XML Processing) and Xerces. Overall, SAX provides a quick and efficient way to manipulate XML data in Java. Dominic KonowalskiDOM(the Document Object Model) is an incompatible successor to SGML; however, in contrast to SGML DOM levels 1 & 2 support completely different interfaces.

What is DOM?

The Document Object Model (DOM) is a platform- and language-neutral interface that will allow programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure, and style of a document.
The document can be further processed and the results of that processing can be incorporated back into the presented page.
DOM level 2 also introduces the concept of an event model, which allows
developers to write programs that monitor user actions (such as mouse clicks or keystrokes)
and respond accordingly.
DOM level 2 also includes extensions that allow
access to XML documents (including XML namespaces)
and HTML documents in conformance with [XML]
The W3C DOM Activity aims at providing a way for different groups to use the DOM standard throughout the life cycle of their products, from early drafts to final recommendations. It also represents an agreement between browser vendors on how the DOM should work. This is especially important since different browsers provide different proprietary extensions to the W3C DOM standard. The activity covers all aspects of DOM usage, including specification, implementation, and experimentation.

Difference between SAX and DOM

There are two main ways to process XML data: SAX and DOM.
SAX (Simple API for XML) is an event-driven XML processing method. This means that as the XML data is read, SAX will fire events that can be processed by the application.
DOM (Document Object Model) on the other hand, loads the entire XML document into memory as a tree structure. This means that the application can access any node in the XML document at any time.
DOM is generally considered more flexible than SAX, but it requires more memory and processing power.
SAX is typically used when processing large XML documents, while DOM is more suited for smaller documents.


In conclusion, SAX is a faster and more efficient way to parse XML documents, while DOM offers more flexibility. If you are working with large or complex XML files, SAX may be the better option. However, if you need to make changes to the document structure or access individual nodes in arbitrary order, DOM is the better choice.

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