A sauna heats the air to a much higher temperature than a steam room, and typically has dry heat. This penetrates deeply into the muscles and joints, promoting detoxification. A steam room, on the other hand, uses moist heat which is gentler on the skin and respiratory system. It also helps to loosen mucus in the sinuses and lungs.
What is Sauna?
A sauna is a small room or house designed as a place to experience dry or wet heat sessions. Typically, the temperature in a sauna is between 80 and 100 degrees Celsius (176 and 212 degrees Fahrenheit), with 60 to 80% humidity. There are two main types of saunas: Finnish saunas, which use dry heat, and Turkish baths, which use wet heat. The health benefits of sauna use include improved cardiovascular function, increased circulation, improved cognitive function, and relief from pain. In Finland, where saunas are a national tradition, there is even evidence that regular sauna use can help to prevent cardiovascular disease.
What is Steam?
- Steam rooms are a fantastic opportunity to relax both physically and mentally. Steam is an integral part of the experience, as the high levels of humidity are great for reducing inflammation and clearing out respiratory issues.
- Steam Room can help in opening up your pores and make it easier for your skin to absorb the beneficial effects of essential oils that you may choose to add in.
- Furthermore, its humid air can provide relief from allergies and asthma symptoms due to its ability to clear out your airways. It is recommended to use a Steam Room at least once a week, depending on what you need it for – however longer and more frequent sessions may be better suited depending on your goals.
Difference between Sauna and Steam
- Though saunas and steam rooms are both places where people go to relax, there are some key differences between the two. Saunas are typically dry, while steam rooms are very moist. Saunas are also much hotter than steam rooms, often reaching temperatures upwards of 185 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Because of the high heat, people usually spend no more than 15 minutes in a sauna at a time. Steam rooms, on the other hand, are only around 110 degrees Fahrenheit. This makes them more tolerable for longer periods of time, and people will often stay in a steam room for 20-30 minutes.
- In addition to the differences in temperature and humidity, saunas also use dry heat, while steam rooms use wet heat. Dry heat is produced by heating rocks that then radiate heat into the air, while wet heat is produced by boiling water that then creates steam. Though they may seem similar, saunas and steam rooms offer different experiences that appeal to different people.
The two types of heat therapy, sauna and steam, offer different benefits to the body. Saunas use dry heat, while steam rooms use moist heat. Both can be beneficial, but it’s important to understand the difference before you choose which one is right for you. -Sauna therapy has been used for centuries as a way to improve health and well-being.
The dry heat in a sauna opens up the pores of the skin, allowing toxins to escape. This helps improve circulation and digestion, among other things. -Steam therapy also offers many benefits. The moist heat relaxes muscles and improves circulation. It also helps clear congestion and relieves pain from arthritis and other conditions.