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Difference between Sapere and Conoscere

Difference between Sapere and Conoscere

When learning a new language, one of the first verbs you learn is “to know.” But what does it mean? In English, we use the word “know” in multiple ways, but in Italian, there are two separate verbs with completely different meanings: sapere and conoscere. Let’s take a look at the difference between these two verbs to help you better understand Italian vocabulary and grammar.

What is Sapere?

Sapere is a Latin word that means “to know.” In the context of business, Sapere refers to the ability to make decisions based on knowledge and experience. This type of decision-making is important in any organization, but it is especially critical in businesses that operate in fast-paced industries. Those who are able to Sa p e r e effectively are able to quickly assess a situation and make the best decision for the company, without being bogged down by indecision. As a result, Sapere is an essential skill for any business leader.

What is Conoscere?

Conoscere is an Italian word that can be difficult to translate to English. It literally means “to know,” but it carries a much deeper meaning. When you conoscere someone, you aren’t just aware of their existence, but you also understand them on a deep level. You know their likes and dislikes, their hopes and dreams, and what makes them tick. This deep understanding can only be achieved through spending quality time with someone and getting to know them on a personal level. So the next time you meet someone new, take the time to conoscere them and you may just be surprised at how well you connect.

Difference between Sapere and Conoscere

Sapere and Conosco are two different words in Italian that both mean “to know.” While they may appear to be interchangeable, there is a subtle difference in their usage. Sapere is referring to factual knowledge, while Conoscere implies a more personal relationship with the subject. For example, if you were asked “Do you know where the Eiffel Tower is?” your correct response would be “Sì, so dove si trova.” On the other hand, if someone asked “Do you know John?” you would reply “Sì, lo conosco.” As you can see, Sapere is used when referring to things, while Conoscere is used when referring to people. When in doubt, remember that Sapere is all about the facts, while Conoscere is about relationships.


Understanding the difference between sapere and conoscere can help you improve your Italian language skills. Sapere refers to knowledge in a general sense, while conoscere is more specific and means to be familiar with or acquainted with someone or something. When using these two verbs in conversation, it’s important to remember that sapere takes an accusative case whereas conoscere takes a prepositional phrase. For example, if you want to say “I know how to speak Italian,” you would use sapere because you are stating what you know.

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