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Difference between Saber and Conocer

Difference between Saber and Conocer

There are two verbs in Spanish that are often confused: saber and conocer. Though they share some similarities, there is a big difference between the two. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the difference between saber and conocer, so you can be sure to use the correct one in your conversations.

What is Saber?

Saber is a Spanish verb that means “to know.” It is conjugated as follows: yo sé, tú sabes, él/ella/Ud. sabe, nosotros/nosotras sabemos, vosotros/vosotras sabéis, Uds./ellos/ellas saben. Saber is an irregular verb, which means that its conjugation does not follow a consistent pattern.

  • The yo form is the only one that ends in -o; all other forms end in -e. In addition, the second person singular and plural forms are irregular (tú sabes, vosotros/vosotras sabéis).
  • Saber is used to express knowledge about facts, information, or general truths. For example: Sabía que la Tierra era redonda, pero no sabía que era el planeta más grande del sistema solar. (I knew that the Earth was round, but I didn’t know that it was the largest planet in the solar system.) Alternatively, Saber can also be used to express ability or capacity.
  • For example: Sé nadar. (I know how to swim.) In this usage, Saber is typically followed by an infinitive verb. Finally, Saber is also used idiomatically to express certain emotions or states of being.

For example: ¡No te metas en esto! ¡No lo sabe Dios lo que puede pasar! (Don’t get involved in this! God only knows what could happen!) As you can see, Saber is a versatile verb with many different uses. When learning Spanish, it is essential to become familiar with this important verb and all of its various uses.

What is Conocer?

Conocer is a Spanish word that can be translated to mean “to know” or “to be familiar with.” It is often used to talk about knowing someone or something, such as when you say “I know her name” or “I know where he lives.” Conocer can also be used to describe knowing facts or information about something, such as when you say “I don’t know how Conocer works” or “I need to Conocer more about the topic.”

In addition, Conocer can also mean “to experience” or “to learn,” as in the phrases “I Conocerd it for myself” or “I Conocerd a lot from that class.” As you can see, Conocer is a versatile word that can have many different meanings depending on the context in which it is used.

Difference between Saber and Conocer

Saber and Conocer are both verbs that can be translated to the English verb “to know”. However, there is a subtle difference in meaning between the two. Saber generally refers to knowing facts or information, while Conocer generally refers to knowing people or places. For example, you might say “Sé que Madrid es la capital de España” (I know that Madrid is the capital of Spain).

This would be equivalent to saying “I know that Paris is the capital of France”. On the other hand, you might say “Conozco a Juan” (I know Juan). This would be equivalent to saying “I know John”. As you can see, the difference between Saber and Conocer is often one of fact vs. person/place. Keep this in mind when choosing which verb to use.


Saber and conocer are two verbs that are often confused in English, but they have different meanings. Saber is used to express knowledge of a fact or skill, while conocer is used to express familiarity with a person or place. For example, you might say “I know how to speak Spanish” (saber), but you would say “I know Juan” (conocer). In most cases, the best way to decide which verb to use is to consider the context of the sentence.

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