Difference between RSP and RRSP

Difference between RSP and RRSP

There are many different retirement savings options available to Canadians, and it can be difficult to decide which is the best one for you. In this blog post, we will compare the two most popular options: RSPs and RRSPs. We will outline the key differences between these two plans so that you can decide which is right for you.

What is RSP?

RSP stands for Registered Retirement Savings Plan. RSPs are retirement savings plans that are registered with the government. RSPs offer tax benefits to help you save for retirement. RSPs are available to Canadian residents who are 18 years of age or older. RSPs are a type of investment account that you can use to save for retirement. RSPs are subject to certain rules and regulations set by the government. RSPs are a great way to save for retirement. RSPs offer tax advantages and flexible withdrawal options. RSPs can be used to invest in a variety of different types of investments, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and GICs. RSPs can be opened at most banks and financial institutions. You can contribute to an RSP through payroll deductions, or you can make contributions directly to your RSP. RSPs have contribution limits and withdrawal restrictions.

What is RRSP?

RRSP is an acronym that stands for Registered Retirement Savings Plan. It is a Canadian retirement savings plan that allows you to save money for retirement on a tax-deferred basis. RRSPs are registered with the federal government and are available to residents of Canada who are 18 years of age or older and have a valid social insurance number. RRSPs can be used to save for retirement, to supplement income from a pension, or plan for retirement income from other sources. RRSPs are regulated by the Income Tax Act (Canada) and the regulations made under it. The RRSP contribution limit is 18% of your previous year’s earned income, up to a maximum amount set by the federal government each year. RRSPs must be converted to a Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) by December 31 of the year in which you turn 71 years old. RRIFs provide an annuity-like stream of payments during retirement. Withdrawals from RRIFs are subject to taxation at your marginal tax rate. RRSPs offer many benefits, including tax-deferred growth on investments, the ability to deduct RRSP contributions from your taxable income, and the ability to defer taxes on withdrawals from RRSPs until retirement.

Difference between RSP and RRSP

RSP and RRSP are two types of retirement savings plans that are designed to help individuals save for their retirement years. RSP, or Registered Retirement Savings Plan, is a tax-deferred investment plan that allows individuals to contribute pre-tax income towards their retirement funds. RRSP, or Registered Retirement Savings Plan, is similar to RSP in that it enables individuals to set aside money for the future, but there are a few key differences between the two. For one thing, RSP contributions are not tax-deductible like those made to an RRSP. Additionally, RSP funds cannot be withdrawn early without incurring significant penalties, whereas there are fewer restrictions on withdrawals from an RRSP. Overall, RSP and RRSP are both useful tools for helping individuals prepare for their retirement years, but they each have unique benefits that make them well-suited to certain situations.


The main difference between an RSP and an RRSP is that contributions to an RRSP are tax-deductible, while contributions to an RSP are not. An RRSP account can also be cashed in without penalty at any time, while funds withdrawn from an RSP before retirement may be subject to taxes and penalties. If you’re still unsure about which account is right for you, speak to a financial advisor for more advice.

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