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Difference between Robots and Artificial Intelligence

Difference between Robots and Artificial Intelligence

The world of technology is advancing and developing faster than ever before, with robots and Artificial Intelligence (AI) leading the front. But what precisely is it that separates these two entities? While on a superficial level they may seem to look alike, or even appear to perform similar tasks, it is only when we delve deeper into the nuances that separate the two can we truly understand their differences. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at both robots and AI— including where they intertwine — so you can become better versed in all things mechanical development.

What is Robot?

  • The robot is an amazing technology with nearly infinite possibilities. Robot machines can replicate the features and functions of human beings, such as soldier robots out on the battlefield or robotic vacuum cleaners dusting your home.
  • Robot appliances that can communicate with each other give us extraordinary opportunities to increase our efficiency in so many different ways. Robot factories are now filled with advanced technologies to create high-end parts and components.
  • Robot engineers today are making incredible advances in programming, allowing them to program complex algorithms that can manage more intricate tasks than ever before. Robot technology is truly revolutionizing the way we live and work.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a subset of computer science related to the development of intelligent machines and algorithms that can solve problems in ways that are similar to human intelligence. It has become increasingly popular in recent years as more and more applications seen across many different industries.

Artificial Intelligence not only strives to build computer systems that can effectively operate independently of human instruction, but also apply various analytics-driven methods such as natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) to identify patterns in data sets that can be used to make informed decisions. Artificial Intelligence continues to expand its range of capabilities, moving far beyond automation alone, into areas touching upon almost all aspects of life.

Difference between Robots and Artificial Intelligence

Robots and Artificial Intelligence are often used interchangeably in discussions, yet they are two distinct concepts.

  • Robots are physical machines with limited autonomy that can sense, think, and act on given instructions to carry out tasks.
  • On the other hand, artificial intelligence is the technology of creating intelligent machines, which includes algorithms for problem-solving, decision-making, and natural language processing. Robots rely on AI as a set of instructions to build up basic skills.
  • While both Robots and AI serve important roles in automation, Robotics tends to be transactional and AI more analytical. Robots are able to achieve highly precise mechanical operations such as welding or handling objects in environments hazardous for humans but need human commands for guidance in performing even basic functions.

In contrast, AI allows machines to learn from experience using algorithms such as deep learning and natural language processing that dynamically adjust from data collected from prior attempts to achieve its goals without further instruction from humans.


Robotics is a technology that configures the hardware and design of the robot whereas Artificial Intelligence involves programming the robot to think, learn and behave like humans. In other words, Robotics deals with the physical construction of robots while AI works on developing their mental abilities. Although both these technologies are quite different from each other, they are often used together in various applications.

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