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Difference between Rhombus and Parallelogram

Difference between Rhombus and Parallelogram

In mathematics, a rhombus is a parallelogram with four sides of equal length. A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides. It has been said that the difference between a rhombus and a parallelogram is that a rhombus has four equal angles, while a parallelogram has four right angles. However, this is not always true, as there are many examples of quadrilaterals with four equal angles that are not considered rhombi. So, what then is the real difference between these two shapes? Let’s take a closer look.

What is Rhombus?

A rhombus is a geometric shape that has four sides of equal length and four angles of equal measure. Rhombuses are sometimes also referred to as diamonds, due to their characteristic shape. Rhombuses can be found in a variety of settings, from the playing cards suit of diamonds to the STAR Rhombus used on highway signs to designate emergency exits. Rhombuses are inherently strong shapes, which is why they are often used in engineering and construction. The strength of the Rhombus comes from its symmetry – each side reinforces the others, making the whole shape stronger than the sum of its parts. The Rhombus is a fascinating shape with a long history, dating back to ancient Greece. Today, it can be found in everything from art and architecture to mathematics and engineering.

What is Parallelogram?

A parallelogram is a four-sided shape with two pairs of parallel sides. Parallelograms are found in nature, and they also have many practical applications. For example, the support structures of bridges and buildings are often constructed in the form of a parallelogram. Parallelograms also have several mathematical properties that make them useful for solving problems. For instance, the area of a parallelogram can be calculated by multiplying the length of one side by the height. Parallelograms also have a property called “congruence,” which means that they can be superimposed on each other. This makes them ideal for creating patterns and designs.

Difference between Rhombus and Parallelogram

Rhombus and parallelogram are both quadrilateral shapes. A Rhombus is a quadrilateral with four sides of equal length and where all 4 angles are also equal. A parallelogram is a 4-sided shape with opposite sides that are parallel to each other. All parallelograms also have opposite angles that are equal to each other. The key difference between Rhombus and Parallelogram is that Rhombus has all sides equal whereas Parallelogram has opposite sides equal.

If we take a Rhombus and squeeze it, keeping the overall shape the same, then eventually it will turn into a parallelogram. So, every Rhombus is a parallelogram, but not every parallelogram is a Rhombus. Another way to think about it is that a Rhombus is just a slanted or angled rectangle; all the sides of a rectangle are equal, so when you make the top and bottom sides no longer parallel (at an angle), you get a Rhombus.


While both shapes have four sides and share some similarities, there are key differences between rhombuses and parallelograms. The most obvious distinction is that a parallelogram has two pairs of parallel sides while a rhombus only has one pair. Additionally, the angles in a parallelogram are always right angles, while the angles in a rhombus can be different from 90 degrees. Finally, parallelograms always have equal length sides while rhombuses do not necessarily have to be symmetrical.

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