Difference between Rheostat and Potentiometer

Difference between Rheostat and Potentiometer

A rheostat and a potentiometer are both types of variable resistors, but they perform different functions. A rheostat is used to control the current passing through a circuit, while a potentiometer is used to adjust the voltage level. Knowing the difference between these two components can help you select the right one for your project.

What is Rheostat?

A rheostat is a two-terminal variable resistor with a third terminal that is used as a tap. The tap is connected to the wiper, which slides across the resistive element as the knob is turned. The other two terminals are connected to the ends of the resistive element. Rheostats are used to control the current in a circuit. For example, they are used in light dimmers, where they are used to control the light intensity. They are also used in motor speed controls, where they are used to control the speed of the motor. Rheostats are also used in power supplies, where they are used to control the voltage.

What is Potentiometer?

A potentiometer is a device used to measure electrical potential or voltage. It consists of a resistive element, typically a coil of wire, with a rotating or sliding contact that can be used to vary the resistance. The most common type of potentiometer is the variable resistor, which is used to control the volume of an audio signal. Potentiometers are also used in many other applications, such as motor speed control and light dimming.

Difference between Rheostat and Potentiometer

Rheostats and potentiometers are both devices that are used to control the flow of electricity in a circuit. Both devices work by using resistance to adjust the amount of current that flows through the circuit. However, there are some key differences between the two devices.
Rheostats are typically used to control large amounts of current, while potentiometers are used to control smaller amounts of current. Additionally, rheostats typically have two terminal connections, while potentiometers have three terminal connections.

One final difference between rheostats and potentiometers is that rheostats are adjustable Potentiometers are used to control DC (direct current) circuits, while potentiometers can be used to control either AC (alternating current) or DC circuits.
Though they may seem similar, rheostats and potentiometers serve different functions in an electrical circuit. It is important to choose the correct device for the job in order to ensure optimal performance.


In conclusion, a rheostat is a variable resistor while a potentiometer is a three-terminal variable resistor. They both have different applications depending on the needs of the user.

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