Recruitment vs Hiring
Difference between recruitment and hiring: – Now days its unemployment everywhere in the world. We can see a lot of young people around us seem rambling everywhere for job. Here I’m not talking about unemployment, but here I’m going to discuss a very common that sometimes also asked in the interviewing process, especially from the HR students. What is meant by recruitment and what is hiring? Can you please show us the difference between recruitment and hiring?
Difference between recruitment and hiring
Recruitment and hiring are two very important concepts of human resource management considering potential employees for current job roles. The general differences between these two terms are unknown to many, so it is important to understand the difference between recruitment and hiring.
The important difference between the two is that recruitment is the process of searching the potential individuals with right skills and qualifications for work and inspiring them to apply for jobs in the corporation whereas hiring is the offering the career chance for a selected employee for a decided wage.
As defined above, recruitment is the process of looking for the right type of individuals with sufficient experience, right skills, and qualifications for work. It also involves encouraging those individuals to apply for the jobs in the organization. The purpose of recruitment is to find the right person who has the ability to add value to the organization.
Recruitment could happen internally as well as externally. When a position in the corporation is vacant, employees who are already in the corporation can be utilized, provided they have the required skills and certification. This saves money for the company, which is usually put to use for the induction (incorporating the new employee into the organization by preparing them for their new role). As the employee already knows about the ideals of the corporation. Further, this increases motivation for current employees since this assures them better job advancements. On contrary, exterior recruitment is suitable when the level of skills and qualifications required for the vacant position is not available within the corporation for the time being.
Hiring is the process of offering an employment opportunity for a selected employee at an agreed fee. Once the potential employees’ resumes and applications are received in the recruitment process, a rigorous scanning should be conducted to shortlist the potential employees. Referencing and sufficient background checks should be carried out to ensure that the person is the right fit for the organization.
In the end, an interview needs to be taken that usually includes a variety of tests such as screening tests and psychometric tests. In case, if the company is satisfied with the way in which in which the candidate has performed in interviews and tests, an offer will be created for him to join the company.
Major Differences between Both Recruitment and Hiring
- Recruitment is the process of searching the potential prospects with right skills and qualifications for employment and inspiring them to apply for jobs in the business.
- Hiring is the process of offering the work opportunity to a particular employee for an arranged fee.
- Recruitment is the initial process of obtaining new employees.
- Hiring is the final process and usually takes place after the recruitment process is completed.
- Time and resources spent on every potential employee in analyzing applications and resumes are limited in recruitment.
- Selection requires extended time and resource spending for each potential employee.
Now as a business student and especially graduation with human resource management, this should be clear in your mind what is the difference between recruitment and hiring? Keep visiting the website to learn and understand more about such typical business terms.