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Difference between Rational and Rationale

Difference between Rational and Rationale

When making decisions, it is important to have a Rationale. A Rational is a logical explanation for why something is done or believed. A Rationale is a justification for doing something, usually based on emotional reasons or personal beliefs. Though the words are similar, their meanings are different. It is important to understand the difference when making decisions, especially important ones.
The purpose of this blog post is to explore the difference between Rational and Rationale and discuss how each can be helpful when making decisions. examples will be given to help illustrate the difference between the two concepts. After reading this blog post, you will have a better understanding of how to use both Rational and Rationale in your decision-making process.

What is Rational?

  • Rational refers to the use of reason to make decisions or form opinions. Rationality is often contrasted with intuition or emotion, which can lead people to make different choices than they would if they thinking more logically. Rationality is generally seen as a good thing; it can help people to overcome biases and make better decisions.
  • However, there is some debate about whether Rationality is the best way to make decisions, as it can sometimes lead to bad outcomes if the facts are not considered carefully enough.
  • Rationality is also sometimes used as a synonym for logical, although they are not quite the same thing. Logical reasoning is a kind of Rationality, but Rationality can also include other forms of decision-making such as cost-benefit analysis. Ultimately, Rationality is a tool that can be used to make better decisions, but it is not perfect.

What is Rationale?

  • Rationale is defined as a set of reasons or a logical basis for a course of action or belief. In other words, it is the underlying justification for why something is done. Rationale can be used in many different contexts, from personal decisions to business plans.
  • When individuals are trying to figure out what they should do in a particular situation, they will often weigh the pros and cons of each option and make a decision based on what they believe is the most rational choice.
  • Similarly, businesses will develop rationales for their products and services, outlining the benefits that they offer and why consumers should choose them over their competitors. Rationale can therefore be seen as a kind of roadmap, providing guidance and direction for both individuals and businesses alike.

Difference between Rational and Rationale

Rational and Rationale are two words that are often confused due to the similarity in their pronunciation and spelling. However, there is a clear distinction between the two terms.

  • Rational refers to something that is based on reason or logic, while rationale refers to the underlying reasons or justification for something. In other words, rational means “sensible” or “well-reasoned,” while rationale refers to the “logic” or “reasoning” behind something.
  • As a result, Rational is typically used to describe an individual’s thought process, while Rationale is used to describe the justification for a particular course of action. For example, you might say that someone is “being rational” if they are basing their decisions on logical reasoning.
  • Alternatively, you might say that the “rationale” for a particular decision is to achieve a specific goal. In short, Rational refers to the quality of someone’s thinking, while Rationale refers to the reasons behind a particular decision.


We’ve looked at the definition of rational and rationale, as well as how they differ. Now that we understand the difference between these two words, let’s explore when it is appropriate to use each term. The word “rationale” is often used in business or academic writing to provide a justification for something. When you are presenting an argument or trying to persuade someone, using the word “rationale” can make your case sound more convincing. If you want to give your reader a reason why they should take action or agree with you, then using the word “rationale” would be appropriate. However, if you are simply stating facts or describing what has happened, then the word “rational” is more suitable. In most cases, it is best to stick with one or the other depending on the context of your sentence.

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