Difference between Practice and Practise

Difference between Practice and Practise

There is a difference between practice and practise. Many people use the two interchangeably, but they have different meanings. Practice is a noun and means to perform an activity regularly in order to improve or maintain one’s skills. Practise is a verb and means to perform an activity regularly in order to improve or maintain one’s skills. For example, if you play the violin, you would practise every day to improve your playing ability.
One way to remember the difference is that practise is always followed by an ‘s’. If you’re not sure which word should be used, just use practice – it’s always safe.

What is Practice?

Practice can be defined as a repeated exercise in order to acquire, or maintain, a desired level of proficiency in a skill. Practice is often considered essential to the success of an individual in any field, whether it is sports, music, or academics. Research has shown that practice is one of the key predictors of success in any domain. A study by Ericsson and colleagues found that world-class violinists had accumulated an average of 10,000 hours of practice by the age of 20 (Ericsson, 1993). Practice not only allows individuals to become more proficient in a particular skill but also helps them to develop muscle memory and reduce the likelihood of making errors. In sum, practice is essential for improving performance in any domain and should be a central part of any individual’s plan for success.

What is Practise?

Practise is the act of rehearsing or repeating an action in order to improve one’s proficiency at it. It is often used in conjunction with scaffolding, which is a method of providing temporary support in order to facilitate the learning process. Practise is often considered to be an essential part of the learning process, as it allows students to internalize new information and skills. In addition, practise can help students to identify areas where they need further instruction. As such, it is an important tool for both teachers and students.

Difference between Practice and Practise

Practice and practise are two words that are often used interchangeably. However, there is a subtle difference between the two. Practice is a noun that refers to the act of doing something in order to improve one’s skills. For example, “I need more practice before I can play the piano proficiently.” Practise, on the other hand, is a verb that means to carry out an activity regularly in order to improve one’s skills. For example, “I am practising my piano playing every day.” As a general rule of thumb, if you can substitute the word “action” for the word you’re using, it’s probably practise. If you can substitute the word “rehearsal” instead, it’s probably practice.


The different spellings of the word “practice” can be confusing for people who are learning English as a second language. In general, practice is a noun, and practise is a verb. However, in some cases (like this one), practise can also be used as a noun. We hope this article has clarified the difference between practice and practise for you.

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