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Difference between Pneumonic and Bubonic Plagues

Difference between Pneumonic and Bubonic Plagues

The Bubonic Plague is thought to have killed around 25 million people in the 14th century. However, a new study reveals that the Pneumonic Plague was actually more lethal, killing around double the number of people. Researchers analyzed records from both diseases and found that the Pneumonic Plague was associated with significantly higher fatality rates. This information sheds light on one of the deadliest pandemics in history and could help us prepare for future outbreaks.

What are Pneumonic Plagues?

Pneumonic plagues are a type of infectious disease that affects the lungs. Symptoms include coughing, chest pain, and difficulty breathing. Pneumonic plagues can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. Pneumonic plagues are often spread through the air, and can be particularly dangerous in crowded places like hospitals, schools, and prisons. Pneumonic plagues can be treated with antibiotics, but if left untreated, they can be fatal. Early diagnosis and treatment is critical for the successful treatment of pneumonic plagues.

What are Bubonic Plagues?

Bubonic plagues are a type of infectious disease that is caused by the bacteria Yersinia pestis. These plagues typically affect the lymph nodes, causing them to swell and become tender. Bubonic plagues can also lead to fever, chills, and weakness. In severe cases, the Bubonic plague can progress to pneumonic or septicemic plague, which can be fatal. Symptoms of Bubonic plague typically appear within three to seven days after exposure to the bacteria. Treatment for Bubonic plague typically includes antibiotics and supportive care. Early diagnosis and treatment is essential for preventing serious complications from Bubonic plague.

Difference between Pneumonic and Bubonic Plagues

Pneumonic and Bubonic Plagues are two of the most devastating pandemics in human history. Both diseases were caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, and both resulted in millions of deaths. However, there are some important differences between the two plagues.

  • Pneumonic Plague is an airborne disease that infects the lungs, while Bubonic Plague is a flea-borne disease that infects the lymph nodes.
  • Pneumonic Plague is also more virulent than Bubonic Plague, and it has a higher mortality rate. Symptoms of a Pneumonic Plague include coughing up blood, pneumonia, and fever, while symptoms of a Bubonic Plague include swollen lymph nodes, fever, and chills.
  • Early diagnosis and treatment are essential for both diseases, but Pneumonic Plague is particularly dangerous because it can spread rapidly through respiratory secretions.

As a result, Pneumonic Plague is considered to be one of the most virulent human diseases.


The bubonic plague killed an estimated 75 million people in the 14th century, approximately 60% of Europe’s population. It was caused by a bacterium, Yersinia pestis, which is transmitted from rodents to humans through the bites of infected fleas. Pneumonic plague is similar but more deadly, as it can be spread through coughing and sneezing.

In pneumonic plague, the bacteria reach the lungs and cause pneumonia, often leading to death within 24 hours. Both plagues are highly contagious and can easily spread through close contact with an infected person or animal, or via contaminated food or water. If you’re traveling in an area where either of these plagues is known to exist, make sure you take all necessary precautions to protect yourself against infection.

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