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Difference between Phishing and Spear Phishing

Difference between Phishing and Spear Phishing

Cybersecurity is one of the biggest challenges businesses face today as cybercrime continues to rise. Cyber attackers continue to develop increasingly sophisticated methods, such as phishing and spear phishing, designed to gain access to confidential information. So how do you protect yourself? It’s important to understand the differences between these two attacks and how they can affect your business — this blog post will explore what makes each attack unique so that you can better prepare for potential threats.

What is Phishing?

  • Phishing is a malicious attempt to acquire sensitive information or access to accounts or systems. Phishing techniques are often used by cybercriminals to steal login credentials and financial information by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an email, text message, social media post, or other digital communication.
  • Generally, the attacker will use cleverly-crafted messages with information that is likely to appeal to victims such as special offers or promises of free goods or services. Phishing can also take the form of targeted attacks on individuals for the purpose of gathering confidential personnel data.
  • Phishers may also create fake websites that appear legitimate in order to extract money from unsuspecting people. No matter which forms it takes, phishing ultimately relies on deception and manipulation and should be avoided at all costs.

What is Spear Phishing?

  • Spear Phishing is a type of malicious attack made by hackers in an attempt to steal sensitive information. It is typically done by targeting an individual, rather than sending out massive emails like phishing scams usually do.
  • Spear Phishing messages may appear to come from legitimate sources, such as people or businesses the victim knows. The attackers can use this trust to trick the person into providing confidential information such as passwords or financial info.
  • Because the messages are tailored specifically for the user, they can be harder to detect than standard phishing scams, which often have typos or poor grammar. If a victim falls for the scam and shares personal data with the attacker, it can have a devastating impact on their finances and overall security.

Difference between Phishing and Spear Phishing

Phishing and Spear Phishing are both malicious attempts to gain access to an individual’s personal information.

  • Phishing typically involves a generic mass email sent out to thousands of people, in hopes that just a few victims will fall for the scam.
  • On the other hand, spear phishing is much more specific. It targets individuals directly, using personal data gathered from social media accounts or other sources.
  • This tactic is far more effective, as cybercriminals can craft emails and messages tailored to each separate recipient – making it much easier for them to take advantage of unaware individuals.

Both Phishing and Spear Phishing are activities that should be avoided at all costs when online because they can expose users to potential theft and harm.


phishing is a mass email sent out to millions of people in the hopes that someone will click on the link and enter their login information. Spear phishing is a targeted email sent to a specific person or organization, often using personal information to gain trust. Phishing emails are typically caught by spam filters, but spear phishing emails can be harder to spot. If you think you may have received a spear phishing email, report it to your IT department immediately.

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