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Difference between Pharynx and Larynx

Difference between Pharynx and Larynx

The pharynx and the larynx are two important parts of the throat. Though they both have important jobs, they are different parts of the throat. The pharynx is located at the back of the throat, and it is responsible for swallowing food and liquids. The larynx is located in front of the pharynx, and it is responsible for producing sound. This article will discuss the differences between these two parts of the throat.

What is Pharynx?

The pharynx is an anatomical term referring to a portion of the throat. Specifically, it refers to the section of the throat that extends from the base of the tongue to the esophagus. The pharynx plays an important role in both respiration and digestion. When we breathe, air enters through the nose or mouth and passes through the pharynx on its way to the lungs. When we eat, food passes through the pharynx on its way to the stomach. The pharynx is also home to the voice box, which helps us produce speech. Pharyngeal cancer is a relatively rare form of cancer that can develop in the pharynx. Treatment for this type of cancer may include surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy.

What is Larynx?

The larynx is a participant’s experience. The larynx is an instrument that allows one to control their voice in order to produce intelligible speech. Larynx also has other uses such as aiding in respiration, phonation, and digestion. The larynx can be found in many vertebrates including mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. The human larynx is located at the top of the trachea and behind the tongue. The larynx allows humans to produce a wide range of sounds that are necessary for speech. The larynx is one of the most important organs for human communication.

The larynx consists of cartilage, muscles, and ligaments that work together to produce sound. The cartilage forms a framework that supports the vocal cords. The muscles help to open and close the vocal cords and control the pitch of the voice. The ligaments help to stabilize the cartilage and prevent movement of the vocal cords. Larynx also contains mucus-secreting glands that keep the vocal cords moist. The larynx helps humans to produce sounds by vibrating the vocal cords. The vibration of the vocal cords produces sound waves that are amplified by the larynx and then pass through the mouth and nose.

Difference between Pharynx and Larynx

The pharynx is a muscular tube that extends from the base of the skull to the esophagus. The primary function of the pharynx is to serve as a passageway for air and food. The pharynx is divided into three regions: the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and laryngopharynx. The larynx, also known as the voice box, is located at the junction of the pharynx and trachea. The primary function of the larynx is to produce sound for speech and respiration. The larynx contains the vocal cords, which are two strips of mucous membrane that vibrate when air passes through them. While the pharynx and larynx are both located in the throat, they have different functions. The pharynx serves as a passageway for air and food, while the larynx produces sound for speech and respiration. The larynx also contains the vocal cords, which are not present in the pharynx.


The pharynx and larynx are two important parts of the throat. The pharynx is located behind the nose and mouth, while the larynx is located in front of the trachea. These two parts have different functions, and it’s important to understand the difference between them if you want to speak or sing correctly.

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