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Difference between Panther and Puma

Difference between Panther and Puma

What’s the difference between a panther and a puma? This is a question that has puzzled many people for years. While they may look similar, there are in fact quite a few differences between these two big cats. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at some of the key distinctions between panthers and pumas. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

Who is Panther?

Panther is the common name for a large member of the cat family Panthera. Panthera includes lions, tigers, leopards, and jaguars. All of these animals have black fur, but their patterns are different. Panthera comes from the Latin word panther, which means “leopard.” The Panther is a remodeled version of previous Dodge cars. It was first introduced in 1964. The Panther platform was used for several other Chrysler vehicles. The final Panther car was produced in 2001. The name Panther has been used by many organizations and products, including military units, wines, and software.

Who is Puma?

Puma is a large cat of the Felidae family that ranges in size from 4.7 to 8.5 feet long, with a tail length of 18 to 24 inches. Pumas are found in North and South America, and their diet consists mainly of deer and rabbits. Pumas are generally shy and solitary animals, but they will come together in pairs or small groups in order to mate. Pumas are considered to be one of the most successful predators in the world, with a kill rate of around 90%. Pumas typically live for 12-15 years in the wild, but can reach up to 20 years if they are kept in captivity. Pumas are an important part of the ecosystem, and their populations are closely monitored by wildlife experts.

Difference between Panther and Puma

Panther and Puma are two big cats that are often confused with one another. Panther is actually a general term that can be used to refer to any big cat that has a black coat, while Puma is the scientific name for a specific type of big cat.

  • Both Panther and Puma are members of the Felidae family, which includes all cats, both big and small. Panther is also sometimes used as the common name for the leopard, which is a member of the Panthera genus.
  • The puma, on the other hand, belongs to its own genus, Puma. In terms of physical appearance, panthers and pumas look quite similar. Both have muscular bodies, long tails, and sharp claws. However, there are some subtle differences between these two types of big cats.
  • For instance, panthers tend to be larger than pumas, with males weighing up to 160kg compared to the 100kg weight limit of pumas. Panthers also have rounder heads and shorter snouts, while pumas have longer faces.

In terms of habitat, panthers can be found in rainforests, swamps, and woodlands across Africa and Asia, while pumas are found in North and South America. So, while Panther and Puma are both members of the Felidae family, Panther is a general term used for any black-coated big cat while Puma refers specifically to the American big cat. There are some physical differences between these two animals, but they both share many similarities.


The panther and puma are two different animals that share a common ancestor. They both have fur, four legs, and sharp claws, but they display different physical characteristics and behavior. Panthers are larger than pumas with a more muscular build, while pumas are sleeker with shorter limbs. Panthers are solitary animals who live and hunt alone, while pumas typically live in small groups called coalitions. Panthers stalk their prey before attacking, while pumas ambush their prey by leaping from behind cover. Panthers mainly eat meat, while pumas will also eat insects and fruit.

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