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Difference between Our and Are

Difference between Our and Are

When to use “our” and when to use “are” can be confusing for English speakers. This blog post will explain the difference between these two words in order to help you make the right choice for your writing.

What is Our?

Our is a first-person plural pronoun. It refers to a group of people consisting of the speaker and at least one other person. Our can be used as both a subject pronoun and an object pronoun. For example, “Our team is working hard” and “We support ourlocal businesses.” Our is also sometimes used as a possessive adjective, as in “our recent trip to Europe.” When used in this way, it usually comes before a noun. Our is similar to the pronouns we and us. However, our is less common than these other pronouns and is generally only used in formal or literary contexts. Our can also be used as an intensifier, as in “Our country needs new leadership.” In this usage, Our is similar to the words very or extremely.

What is Are?

Are is a pronoun that is used as a question word. It can also be used to make statements or requests. Are is the first person plural form of the verb “to be.” For example, the statement “We are here” would be written as “Are we here?” in Are. Are can also be used to make requests, such as “Are you going to the party?” Are is also the third person plural form of the verb “to be,” so it can be used in place of “they” in a sentence. For example, the sentence “They are going to the party” could be rewritten as “Are going to the party.” Are is an important pronoun to know for both speaking and writing in Are.

Difference between Our and Are

Our and Are are both pronouns that can be used to refer to a group of people. Our is a possessive pronoun, which means that it shows ownership or relationship. For example, you might say “our company” to refer to the company you work for. Are is a plural pronoun, which means that it can be used to refer to more than one person. For example, you might say “they are my friends” to refer to a group of people who are your friends. There is no ownership or relationship implied when using Are. When choosing between Our and Are, you will need to consider whether you want to show ownership or relationship, or simply refer to a group of people.


In order to use the right word in your writing, it’s important to understand the difference between our and are. Our is a possessive pronoun that shows ownership of something, while are is a verb meaning “to be.” For example, you might say “our team is the best” to show that the team belongs to you. Another way to remember this rule is that if you can replace the word with “ours,” then you should use our instead of are.

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