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Difference between Oceanfront and Ocean View

Difference between Oceanfront and Ocean View

When booking a vacation rental, one of the first things you must decide is whether to choose an oceanfront or ocean view property. Both have their pros and cons, but what are the differences between them? Here is a breakdown of the key distinctions.

What is Oceanfront?

Oceanfront property is any land that has a direct view of the ocean. It can include beach houses, cliff-side bluffs, and anything in between. Oceanfront property is highly sought-after due to its limited availability and stunning views. In addition, oceanfront property tends to appreciate at a higher rate than other types of real estate. This is because the demand for oceanfront property always exceeds the supply. As a result, oceanfront property is an excellent investment for those who are looking to build long-term wealth.

What is Ocean View?

Oceanfront property is any land that has a direct view of the ocean. It can include beach houses, cliff-side bluffs, and anything in between. Oceanfront property is highly sought-after due to its limited availability and stunning views. In addition, oceanfront property tends to appreciate at a higher rate than other types of real estate. This is because the demand for oceanfront property always exceeds the supply. As a result, oceanfront property is an excellent investment for those who are looking to build long-term wealth.

Difference between Oceanfront and Ocean View

Oceanfront and Ocean View are two terms that are often used to describe vacation rental properties. While both types of rentals offer stunning views of the ocean, there are some key differences between them. Oceanfront rentals are located directly on the beach, while Ocean View rentals may be a few blocks or even miles away from the shoreline. As a result, Oceanfront rentals tend to be more expensive than Ocean View rentals. However, they also offer guests a unique opportunity to experience the sound and smell of the ocean up close. For those who are looking for a more affordable option, Ocean View rentals can provide just as stunning of a view, albeit from a distance. Ultimately, the type of vacation rental property that is right for you will depend on your budget and your desired level of proximity to the ocean.


Oceanfront properties are those that have beach frontage and ocean view properties are those that have a view of the ocean from some point on their property. There can be quite a bit of variation in what is considered an ocean view, so it’s important to consult with your real estate agent to find out exactly what you’re getting when you buy an ocean view home.

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