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Difference between Objectivity and Abstraction | Objectivity vs. Abstraction

Difference between Objectivity and Abstraction | Objectivity vs. Abstraction

Objectivity vs. Abstraction

Difference between Objectivity and Abstraction: – When human beings try to reach a precise knowledge to understand various phenomena or immediate reality, it is necessary to resort to methods that guide us to reach our goal. But as different human beings we are, we can often come to interpret the same reality in different ways; according to our perceptions, our way of reasoning … In Philosophy as well as in the various fields of science, at the moment of carrying out any investigation, we are probably faced with two concepts that are important to differentiate: objectivity and abstraction.

Difference between Objectivity and Abstraction


The postulate of objectivity means that in establishing the relation of knowledge, the study phenomena are considered as opposed to the cognoscent subject, as well as that they exist in reality; that is, as things which are not merely ideological products or mere facts of consciousness, but have a real material existence. That is, facts are expressed as they are independently of ideology, tastes or personal assessments.

On the other hand, abstraction is the operation by which a phenomenon or thing is described retaining its fundamental or essential characters, dispensing with those that are not and also, the logical procedure by means of which a set of objects or characters of a type of them; we retain those that are common to them.

By means of abstraction we eliminate what is not fundamentally important to know an object; we discover and emphasize the necessary of the casual, the essential of the non-essential, the fundamental of the non-fundamental and the determinant of the determinate.

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