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Difference between Obey and Follow

Difference between Obey and Follow

What is the difference between obey and follow? Isn’t it all the same thing? Actually, there is a big difference between the two words, and understanding the distinction can help you better navigate your relationships.

What is Obey?

Obey is a word that is commonly used in the English language, and it generally refers to the act of following orders or commands. The term can be used in a variety of different situations, and it is often used when someone is speaking to someone of authority. Obey can also be used as a command, telling someone to do something. In some cases, Obey may also be used as a form of respect, such as when a child obeys their parent. Obey is a word that is both simple and complex in its meaning, and it is a word that is sure to continue to be used in the English language for years to come.

What is Follow?

Follow can be defined as going with or accompanying someone, especially to show them one’s support. For example, if you are a fan of a certain celebrity, you might choose to follow them on social media. In this context, follow can also mean to believe in and support someone or something, as in “I followed my heart and pursued my dream of becoming a writer.”

Follow can also mean copying or imitating someone, as in “She followed her mother’s footsteps and became a doctor.” Finally, follow can also mean to do what someone says or what is written in a particular document, as in “The instructions said to mix the ingredients thoroughly, so I followed them.” As you can see, follow has many different meanings in English. Knowing how to use it correctly will help you communicate more effectively in both spoken and written English.

Difference between Obey and Follow

Obey and follow are two words that are often used interchangeably. However, there is a subtle difference between the two words.

  • When you obey someone, you do as you are told without question.
  • Obeying is about complying with the instructions of a superior without hesitation.
  • In contrast, following someone simply means going along with them or imitating their actions.
  • There is usually more of a choice involved in following than obeying.

For example, you might follow a friend’s lead in trying a new restaurant, but you would only obey an authority figure if they gave you a direct order. In general, obeying is seen as a more formal and submissive act than following.


Obey implies that someone has authority over you and must be followed out of respect. Follow, on the other hand, simply means to do what someone else does without thinking about it too much. When it comes to marketing, understanding the difference between these two words can have a big impact on how your customers perceive your brand or product.

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