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Difference between Nocturnal and Diurnal

Difference between Nocturnal and Diurnal

Most people are aware of the difference between nocturnal and diurnal animals, but what most people don’t know is that there is a significant difference between the two types of animals when it comes to their daily routines. Nocturnal animals are those that are active at night, while diurnal animals are those that are active during the day. Despite this clear distinction, there is some crossover between the two types of animals; some nocturnal animals can be active during the day, while some diurnal animals may become inactive at night.

What is Nocturnal?

Nocturnal animals are those that are active during the night and sleep during the day. This is the opposite of diurnal, which refers to animals that are active during the day and sleep at night. Nocturnal animals have a number of adaptations that help them to be successful at night, such as large eyes that allow them to see in low light conditions and good hearing that helps them to locate prey. Some animals, such as owls, can even fly silently so that they can approach their prey without being detected. By being active at night, Nocturnal animals are able to avoid many of the predators that would otherwise make them easy targets.

What is Diurnal?

Diurnal is an adjective that refers to something that happens or is active during the day. The word can be used to describe animals, like diurnal birds, or Diurnal insects, which are most active during the daytime hours. Diurnal can also be used to describe plants, like Diurnal flowers, which open up during the day and close at night. In some cases, diurnal activity is determined by the amount of light available, while in others it may be based on temperature or the time of year. Regardless of the cause, diurnal activity typically follows a regular pattern that ensures that plants and animals are active when they are most likely to find food or mates.

Difference between Nocturnal and Diurnal

The main difference between nocturnal and diurnal animals is the time of day that they are active. Nocturnal animals are most active at night, while diurnal animals are most active during the day. There are several reasons for this difference in activity patterns. Nocturnal animals generally have better night vision than diurnal animals, which gives them an advantage in finding food and avoiding predators at night. In addition, Nocturnal animals are often better equipped to regulate their body temperature, which helps them to conserve energy during the night. Diurnal animals, on the other hand, generally have better color vision than nocturnal animals, which gives them an advantage in finding food and avoiding predators during the day. They also tend to be more active during the day, which helps them to stay cool in the heat of the sun.


Nocturnal animals are those that are most active at night, while diurnal animals are the opposite and more active during the day. The difference between nocturnal and diurnal animals is largely due to their level of activity when it comes to hunting and foraging for food. For example, lions are considered a diurnal animals because they spend the majority of their day resting and only hunt at night. While bats, which are typically considered a nocturnal animals, will occasionally leave their roosts during the daytime to search for food.

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