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Difference between Namaskar and Namaste

Difference between Namaskar and Namaste

There is often some confusion about the difference between Namaskar and Namaste. While both are used as greetings in India, they have different meanings. Namaskar is a form of respect paid to someone older or superior, while Namaste is used as a general greeting and means “I bow to you.” In addition, the way each term is pronounced also differs. Namaskar is pronounced like “nuh-muh-skar,” while Namaste is pronounced like “nah-mah-stay.”Knowing the difference between these two terms will help you better interact with Indians when traveling or doing business in India.

What is Namaskar?

Namaskar is a gesture of respect and greeting originating in India. It is typically performed by joining both hands in front of the chest and bowing the head. Namaskar can be used both as a greeting and as a farewell, and it is considered an important part of Indian culture. Namaskar is also sometimes known as Namaste, which is derived from the Sanskrit word for “I bow to you.” In addition to being used as a gesture of respect, Namaskar is also believed to have spiritual and health benefits. Some say that Namaskar helps to balance the energy in the body, while others believe that it can help to improve circulation and flexibility. Whatever its benefits, Namaskar is sure to leave both the giver and the receiver with a feeling of warmth and goodwill.

What is Namaste?

Namaste is a respectful form of greeting in many Indian cultures. It can be used as a hello or goodbye, and it also has a deeper meaning of conveying respect and appreciation for the other person. Namaste is often spoken with a slight bow and hands pressed together in front of the chest. The word Namaste comes from the Sanskrit language and can be translated to mean “I bow to you.” Namaste is also used as a way to thank someone, and it can be used in both formal and informal settings. In recent years, Namaste has become popular outside of India as a way to show respect and appreciation in a variety of settings.

Difference between Namaskar and Namaste

Namaste and Namaskar both originate from Sanskrit, an ancient Indo-Aryan language. Namaste is made up of two words, Namah and Te. Namah means “bow” or “adoration,” and Te means “to you.” Namaskar, on the other hand, is a compound of Namah and Sar, where Sar means “head.” Thus, Namaskar can be taken to mean “I bow to you.” Both Namaste and Namaskar are used as salutations and are often uttered at the beginning or end of a conversation.

While Namaste is more commonly used in Northern India, Namaskar is prevalent in Southern India. The gesture accompanying Namaskar, which involves bringing both palms together in front of the chest, is also different from that of Namaste. In Namastey, the palms are brought together at chest level with the fingertips pointing upwards, whereas in Namaskarah, the palms are brought together at shoulder level with the fingers pointing downwards. In recent years, there has been a lot of debate about which greeting is more appropriate.


Namaskar, or the act of greeting someone with a prayerful bow, is commonly used in India and Nepal. The gesture is often accompanied by a chanted blessing or invocation. In contrast, Namaste – which is often mistaken for the same thing as namaskar – is actually a traditional Hindu farewell that means “I bow to you”. It is typically used when parting ways with someone. While the two terms may sound similar, they have very different meanings. Now that you know the difference between namaskar and namaste, be sure to use the appropriate term when greeting someone in India or Nepal – and avoid any potential confusion!

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